
Canvas sites are intended for purposes directly related to courses and teaching. The Migration tool is designed to be used to migrate Sakai course sites only. If you have a Sakai project site you feel belongs in Canvas, you must complete the Canvas Sandbox Site Request Form found on the Alternatives for Project Sites Web page. The T2C support team will get back to you.

*** Migration Tool is available ***

The Sakai-to-Canvas Migration tool was designed to copy course materials from your existing Sakai sites to Canvas staging sites. The tool can copy content from the Sakai Assignments, Resources, and Tests & Quizzes tools only.  Content from any other Sakai tools will need to be re-created manually in your new Canvas site.

No student data will be migrated.


Before migrating content

It is strongly recommended that you review all of your Sakai sites and decide which ones you actually need to migrate and which tools in each course have content you want to keep. If you have several semesters or sections of the same course, you should migrate only your most recent course as a template to build your new Canvas course.  If you are uncertain about whether you will need content from a course you no longer teach, consider at least backing up the Resources to a folder on your desktop  (use this video tutorial if you need more help).  If there is any chance at all that you may teach the course again, migrate the course so you will have it when Sakai is no longer available.  When you migrate content from Sakai to Canvas, the original content is not deleted from your Sakai site. You will have access to Sakai through December 21, 2018.

Please consider the following before migrating your course so that you may make necessary changes to your Sakai course before migration:

  • Sakai Questions Pools will be migrated to Canvas only if they are used in a Random Draw of a Sakai assessment, so make sure you create a Sakai assessment that pulls from each of your Question Pools with a part for each Question Pool.
  • Links to embedded files in Sakai Resources will retain their original link to Sakai when migrated to Canvas.  But the link will break when Sakai is no longer available.  You may consider making them attachments instead.
  • A Sakai Resources folder that contains more than 3500 files will not be migrated.  To resolve the issue, please do not use the Migration tool to migrate Resources.  Instead download the files using the Upload/Download Multiple Resources tool from the top of the Sakai Resources page.  Follow the instructions displayed to download and install a file transfer program which you can use to download files to a folder on your local computer and upload to your Canvas site (use this video tutorial if you need more help).
  • The Migration tool uses a backup server for Sakai courses which was last backed up on May 1st, 2018.  If you have made changes to a Sakai course since that date, you may want to wait to perform the actual migration until June 1st or later to include your changes.
  • Canvas sites have a 1 GB storage limit. If your Sakai site storage is greater than 1 GB, please contact the T2C team for assistance in migrating your site.

You may like to review How to Review and Revise Migrated Courses in Canvas prior to your migration to review specific issues with each tool.


NOTE: When you create a new site in Canvas using the Migration tool, it is not intended to be used for teaching your course. It will serve as a staging site to review and modify what was migrated. Once you have edited the content and site to your satisfaction, you will import it into your officially created Canvas course for the term when you will be teaching the course.


Migrating Your Course

To download a pdf of these instructions, click here.

  1. Log in to Canvas. If you have not logged into Canvas before, visit and click on the “Log in to Canvas@UD” button.
  2. From the left-hand blue global navigation menu of Canvas, click “Account”, then “Profile”.
  3. Select “Content Migrations” from the navigation menu to access the migration tool.
  4. The first time you run the migration tool you may be prompted to authenticate and authorize the tool.  Complete both steps.
  5. From the dashboard of the migration tool, click “+New Migration Request” to migrate a course.
  6. Search for the Sakai site you wish to migrate.  You can use search terms such as the course ID (e.g., ACCT, ACCT201).  You must have instructor access in a course to migrate the site.  Click the checkbox next to the course to select it.
  7. Select which tools you wish to migrate and click “Next“.

  1. By default each Canvas staging site will be the same name as your Sakai course.  You may choose to enter a more descriptive name for your Canvas staging site.  When you are ready, click “Submit” to start migration.

  1. You should receive a confirmation message that your request has been submitted.


Course Migration Status

After you submit a migration request, you will return to the migration tool dashboard where you can view the status of your request.  Migration requests are processed in the order in which they are received, and you can check the status at a later time by launching the migration tool.

Possible migration statuses are:

  • In Queue:  Your migration is in line behind one or more other requests.
  • In Progress:  Canvas is in the process of migrating your site’s content.
  • Complete (shown in green):  Content has been successfully migrated.
  • Complete (shown in yellow):  The migration was completed, but with warnings.  Click the arrow next to “Completed” to view issues with the migration.  Click here (replace with link to issues) to view some known issues that may cause warnings during your course migration.
  • Failed:  The migration experienced an error and was unable to import any content into Canvas.  Click the arrow next to “Failed” to view details.

For assistance with warnings or failures, please contact us at with your course information.

Once your course migration is completed the site content has been successfully converted to Canvas format and then Canvas will begin extracting the content into your Canvas staging site.  To check on the status of the import into Canvas, click the associated Canvas ID link.  When the Canvas import is complete, carefully review your migrated content and revise it as necessary.   For recommendations on reviewing your Canvas staging site, refer to How to Review and Revise Migrated Courses in Canvas.


Importing your Staging Site to your Official Course Site

Once you have finished reviewing your staging site, you will need to import its content into your official course when it becomes available. Create your official course using the course creation tool on the Canvas gateway page and complete the following steps:

  1. In your official course, click “Settings” from the course navigation menu.
  2. Click “Import Course Content” from the right sidebar tools.
  3. Select Copy a Canvas Course from the Content Type drop-down menu.
  4. Select your staging site from the list of courses.
  5. Select All Content from the Content options.
  6. To remove dates, select Adjust event and due dates from Options and choose Remove Dates.
  7. Click “Import“.


Getting Help with course migration

If you have any questions or concerns or need help migrating your Sakai site, contact the T2C Team at the Faculty Commons (116 Pearson Hall,, 302-831-0640) or check the T2C calendar page for events and workshops to help you through the transition.

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