How to Make PDF Files Accessible

Daniel Ross led a PDF accessibility webinar for one of our faculty learning groups earlier this November. His goal was to teach the simplest yet most effective ways to make PDF files accessible to all users. Daniel also focused on making the PDF accessible for screen...

Notice to Sakai Project Site owners

Don’t forget your projects sites need to move to somewhere other than Canvas. You are under the same deadline as catalog courses, which is by noon on December 21, 2018. If you feel Canvas is the appropriate platform for your project site, complete the Canvas Sandbox...

Final checklist for all Sakai users

If you are still teaching in Sakai this last semester or even if you’ve been teaching in Canvas for a while now, it’s still a good idea to double- or triple-check that you have fully completed your transition from Sakai.  Here is a list of some specific action items...

3 ways to make new page content accessible in Canvas

1. Headers Your content should be organized according to headings. Avoid using text styling alone to create a heading (i.e. bolding or increasing the font size manually). Instead, use predefined headings in the Canvas text editor to ensure readers clearly understand...

How to Use Sections in your Canvas Course

If you merged multiple sections into one Canvas course, you may be wondering how you can differentiate assets in your course based on sections. Any Canvas tool that includes assignment details will allow you to differentiate according to section, but you can also post...