Club Officer Training Workshop: October 24

Are you an officer in your 4-H club? Do you want to learn more about your new officer position? This workshop is for you! Members will learn what it means to be Club President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Reporter.  The workshops will begin promptly at 6:30pm. REGISTER in 4-H ONLINE or contact Kaleb Scott […]

Club Officer Training Workshop

Are you an officer in your 4-H club? Do you want to learn more about your new officer position? This workshop is for you! Members will learn what it means to be Club President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Reporter.  The workshops will begin promptly at 6:30pm. REGISTER in 4-H ONLINE or contact Kaleb Scott […]

October 2013 News Updates

SUSSEX FALL INTO 4-H NIGHT On Friday, October 4, over 40 4-H youth and 12 adult volunteer leaders traveled to the Western Sussex Boys & Girls Club in Seaford to promote Sussex County 4-H. From the moment guests arrived at the door and saw our beautiful fall decorations, to the slow bike race, line dancing, […]