Healthy Fruits and Vegetables we should all Eat! Courtesy of GOLO

Watermelon ●        Over 1200 varieties of watermelon available ●       Juicy, refreshing, and celebrated summertime treat ●       You can eat the entire fruit – the rind has healthy benefits too! ●       Heart healthy fruit that helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease ●       Nutrient dense fruit filled with vitamins, minerals, and dietary […]

GOLO – Healthy Fruits and Vegetables We Should All Eat!

●       Apricots are available fresh, canned, and dried ●       Rich in vitamin E and vitamin C to protect skin cells ●       Good source of potassium that improves nerve and muscle function ●       Apricots have flavonoids which help to protect and strengthen your blood vessels while reducing inflammation ●       Apricots contain a high-water content; one cup […]