Healthy Fruits and Vegetables we should all Eat! Courtesy of GOLO

Watermelon ●        Over 1200 varieties of watermelon available ●       Juicy, refreshing, and celebrated summertime treat ●       You can eat the entire fruit – the rind has healthy benefits too! ●       Heart healthy fruit that helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease ●       Nutrient dense fruit filled with vitamins, minerals, and dietary […]

GOLO – Healthy Fruits and Vegetables We Should All Eat!

●       Apricots are available fresh, canned, and dried ●       Rich in vitamin E and vitamin C to protect skin cells ●       Good source of potassium that improves nerve and muscle function ●       Apricots have flavonoids which help to protect and strengthen your blood vessels while reducing inflammation ●       Apricots contain a high-water content; one cup […]

GOLO – Healthy Winter Grains We Should All Eat

OATS Commonly used in oatmeal, flour, and dairy alternatives such as milk, yogurt, ice cream ●       High protein and antioxidant contents ●       Introduced to North America in 1602 by Scottish Settlers ●       Help to reduce cholesterol, blood sugar ●       Increases growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract ●       Used to soothe skin conditions such […]

Healthy Fruits and Vegetables We Should All Eat!

The Delaware 4-H Program joins in partnership with GOLO, the pioneering wellness solutions company, to promote and provide important information on vegetables and fruits we should all eat to be healthier. We appreciate the monetary support of GOLO to our 4-H program around the initiative of Healthy Living, and their interest in the health and well-being of our 4-H […]

Healthy Vegetables and Fruits We Should All Eat

Radishes                     ·      Radishes have been around since the 1500s ·      Great low-calorie snack; 1 cup = 19 calories ·      Members of the Brassicaceae family, related to kale and broccoli ·      California and Florida are biggest radish growers ·      Seven million tons of radishes are produced […]