Sussex County Demonstration Contest

The Demonstration Contest is for the 4-H’er 8 –19 years of age. It gives 4-H’ers the opportunity to share what they have learned from their projects. The demonstration should not be more than 15 minutes in length. 4-H’ers must compete in the county contest to advance to the state contest at the Delaware State Fair. […]

22 youth compete in 4-H Demonstrations

And the question was asked, “What is a Demonstration?” Why thanks for repeating the question! Demonstrations or Illustrated Talks are the 4-H version of the classic “Show and Tell” presentations. Participation in a county demonstration contest helps 4-H youth gain poise and confidence when talking in front of a group of people.   Participants use examples, […]

2013 Demonstration Contest

The 4-H community is invited to attend the 2013 Sussex County 4-H Demonstration Contests. Attending the contest is a good way to expose and introduce the contest, so that in the future, 4-H’ers might consider participating as an individual or team contestant. Wednesday,May 15 2013,  4-8  p.m., at the Carvel Center Thursday, May 16, 2013,  […]