Specialty Club News

Bike Club News Mike Love and the Pedal Pushers Club invite you to join them for a Bike Ride on Sunday, September 21 for a bike ride along the Michael Castle Trail in New Castle County.  We’ll meet in Milford at 1pm and head to St. George’s to hit the trail along the C & D […]

County Updates – May 2014

Sussex County 4-H News & Updates 4-H Clover Magnets   4-H Clover Magnets are available for $3 each.  Please let the 4-H Office know if you are interested ASAP so we can place our order.       Archery   Shooting Sports Archery Event on Sunday, May 18, 2014 2:00 pm – Shoot at the REC […]

Sussex 4-H Bike Club Dates

All 4-H families are invited to attend any of the rides. Should there be any questions, Mike Love can be contacted at mlove@udel.edu or 302-519-6685. The 4-H Bike Projct Book Workshop dates are listed at the bottom of the schedule. Again, all 4-H members are welcome to attend and learn more about their bikes and […]