Agent Letter: May 2018

Dear 4-H Families, Happy May!  4-Her’s were very busy during the month of April.  Twelve members participated in the county Horse Judging contest.  Forty members and their families attended the Ceramics Workshop, sponsored by the Exchange Trip group.  Many Sussex members participated in our annual 4-H Legislative Day in Dover on April 25.  Most recently […]

Agent Letter: March 2018

I hope all of you are staying well!  I know many will agree with me that they are ready for spring and warmer temperatures. Daylight savings time begins on Sunday, March 11. Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour!   THANK YOU is not enough to say for all the support that was […]

Agent Letter: February 2018

Dear 4-H Family, February is full of important events:  Black History Month, American Heart Month, Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day and President’s Day.  It is important to remember and honor those who have had an impact on our Nation and to show our love and appreciation for others. Sussex 4-H February events include:  State Leader’s Forum, […]

Agent Letter: December 2017 and January 2018

Dear 4-H Family, Happy Holidays!  December is a month to celebrate the spirit of community and spend extra time with our loved ones.  Many clubs will take part in local parades, collect food for the needy, adopt a family, or go caroling in nursing homes or local communities.  Please be sure to read all the […]

Agent Letter: November 2017

Hello 4-H Family, November brings beautiful fall colors and cooler weather. Daylight savings time ends on November 5, so be sure to turn your clocks back! This month also brings Veterans Day, World Kindness Day, The Great American Smoke Out, and Thanksgiving. Sussex 4-H was very busy in October with the following events: Jr. Leader […]

Agent Letter: October 2017

Dear Sussex 4-H Family, Fall has finally arrived and brought many 4-H activities!  October 4-H Events include:  National 4-H Week, Window Display Contest, National 4-H Youth Science Day, Jr. Leader Fall Retreat, Archery Shoot, Pumpkin Contest and Younger Member Fall Retreat. 4-H Rocks! was the theme for the Achievement Event held on September 23.  Over […]

Agent Letter: August/September 2017

Dear 4-H Family, This summer has been filled with lots of 4-H activities and events.  Two weeks of State 4-H Camp, Exchange Group camping trip, and Environmental Camp.  Other events included the State Fair and Georgetown Day Camp. With the new 4-H year starting in September, there are lots of exciting activities and events to […]

Agent Letter: June/July 2017

Dear 4-H Family, May was a busy month!  Livestock Tagging, Hopkins Farm Tour and the 1st Annual Sussex Links Spring Fair (which included judging contests, clothing showcase and the county archery shoot)! All events and activities were a success due to all who helped plan, implement, and take part in these events.  Thank you for […]

Agent Letter: May 2017

Happy May!  4-Her’s were very busy during the month of April.  Many Sussex members participated in our annual 4-H Legislative Day in Dover on April 26.  Most recently younger members, teens, adult volunteers had a “Seussical” weekend at Cape Henlopen State Park for our annual Younger Member Weekend.  Look for more information on the event […]

Agent Letter: April 2017

Dear 4-H Family, Happy Spring!  Although the weather has had different plans, flowers and trees have started to bloom and it has been good to see some sunshine.  A few special and unique celebrations during this month include:  April Fool’s Day, Children’s Book Day, World Health Day, National Jelly Bean Day, National Volunteer Week, Easter, […]