Club News: June 2024

Sunset Branch 4-H Club – Ethan Perry, Reporter
In our May meeting we did an activity, had a teamwork challenge, and helped on of our members with her Diamond Clover project. Just as we start all meetings, we did the pledge of Allegiance, the 4-H pledge and then everyone shared what they had done in the past month. We did old business and then the new business as well as upcoming club and county activities.  We split into groups and moved through the activities.  Murphy, our 4-H member speaking about her Diamond Clover project showed us her PSA video about ocean pollution and shared her vision of cleaning beaches and keeping the oceans as clean as she can.  In addition to watching her video, we also decorated tin buckets to use for our scheduled beach clean-up days later this year.  Our final activity was a teamwork challenge where we were given a movie title and playdoh and we had to make something from the movie and let the other groups guess what movie we were given.

Hollymount – Frankie Joella, Reporter
Our May meeting kicked off with pledges and our treasurer’s report. We then discussed our old business. Legislative Day was April 24. However, our most exciting business to talk about was State Fair entries being open. They are open until June 1. Weeding and planting at our garden bed at Milton Historical Society was also May 13 at 5:30. As for our exciting new business, May 19 is Fire Safety Day. The make-up day for demonstrations will be on May 28. Please register online for that! State Teen Council applications are also due June 28. After the meeting was adjourned, we made the new “plant press” exhibit for the state fair and made pizzas. Members took pictures of the steps in the pizza making for the state fair photo entry “start to finish”.  Our next meeting will be on June 6. We will have a very exciting ice cream social! We are all very excited; though, it is hard to believe our 2023-2024 4-H season is coming to an end!

Lord Baltimore – Cassidy White, Reporter (March-May reports)

Lord Baltimore’s Helping Hands March meeting was held on March 10, 2024. To start the meeting we said the 4-H pledge and the pledge of allegiance after turning in our February Meals on Wheels crafts. Then we discussed old businesses such as favorite foods, which the majority of our members participated in, and the spaghetti dinner. Next, we went over upcoming events such as the Fair Fest, Legislative Day, registration for the State Fair, and the Littler Barrel contest. We also discussed the idea of having a craft day for our club to make some items to submit to the State Fair and whether we wanted to participate in an upcoming yard/ bake sale. Finally, we started our craft for the meeting, where each of us decorated a Saint Patrick’s Day-themed wreath. This concluded our March meeting.

Lord Baltimore’s Helping Hand’s next meeting was held on April 7, 2024. We started the meeting by saying the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H pledge. Next, we discussed new businesses such as State Fair registration, camp registrations, and the litter barrel. Knowing that we were going to have a second meeting focused on crafts we saved those activities for a later date. This was the end of our regular monthly meeting.

We then had a craft day on April 28, 2024, to make entries for the State Fair. Here, the younger children made no-sew hats while the older ones wove baskets. We also propagated spider plants. We also made our Meals on Wheels tray favors that were ladybug-themed. Along with these crafts, we learned that we received a grant to add a new community service project by making a taco meal once a month for the Shepherd’s Office, a non-profit in Georgetown.

Our next meeting was on May 19, 2024. We started the meeting with the American and 4-H pledge. Then we talked about old businesses such as a bake sale where we raised $174.00 for Shepherd’s office and our litter barrel winning third place. Next, we did our community service project of making Meals on Wheels tray favors for Flag Day. To end our meeting, we did our crafts for the meeting, with the clover buds painting animal faces on paper plates while the older children made jewelry out of sea glass, crystals, wire, and cord. This was the end of our May meeting.