2022 Healthy Living Summit
In Person, February 10-13, 2022*
Registration Opens Soon
At the National Youth Summit on Healthy Living, high school students develop the knowledge and skills to address issues surrounding nutrition, physical fitness, wellness, and emotional well-being. Working alongside professionals in family consumer science and healthy living, students will create action plans they can implement in their communities to teach other youth about what they have learned.
2022 Agri-Science Summit
In person, March 10-13, 2022*
Registration Opens Soon
At the National 4‑H Youth Summit on Agri-Science, high school students develop the skills and knowledge needed for the challenges facing agriculture, food security, and sustainability. Students will work with each other and experts in the agricultural community in this collaborative, hands-on educational setting.
Workshop proposals are being sought for the 2022 National 4-H Youth Summit on Agriscience! Pressing topics in agriscience, food security and sustainability are needed. Help educate and inspire young people to address the challenges facing modern agriculture.
*Dates subject to change