Dear 4-H Member, Leader, and Parent:
April marks the first full month of spring, a season that is symbolic of new beginnings. Those of us in the Sussex 4-H Extension office mark this season with mixed emotions, for as you know, Mary Argo’s first day of retirement as 4-H Educator began on the first day of this month.
Mary was characteristically modest in her final newsletter. So, allow us to tell you just a little more! Mary received her bachelor’s degree in Home Economics from the University of Delaware and worked for UD for 23 years, the last 18 as the Sussex County 4-H educator. One of Mary’s signature events was the annual 4-H Spring Farm Tours, which she completely coordinated—inviting area school children to the Hopkins’ family dairy, Green Acres Farm, in Lewes. Through this valuable partnership, an average of 1,500 youth each year discovered and participated in an authentic agricultural experience – oftentimes, receiving their first introduction to diverse Extension programs. With the help of all of her Extension colleagues, tens of thousands of young students were reached through this one event alone. Mary believes in the value of personal visits and built many strong community relationships throughout her career. Fridays with 4-H, at La Casita Afterschool Program in Georgetown, impacted hundreds of Hispanic youth. This outreach was the direct result of Mary’s networking and personal touch in her community. All who know Mary never fail to mention her tireless work ethic, positive outlook, and enthusiastic dedication to make 4-H available to every Delaware child. She never missed an opportunity to shine the spotlight on an accomplishment of a 4-H youth member or adult volunteer.
Mary Argo practiced what she preached – retirement will not dampen what has grown into a strong family 4-H commitment and tradition. At age 10, Mary became a member of Broadkill Kool Kats 4-H club, with her mother Frances as leader. Mary also served as organizational leader of the same club for 12 years. In 1986, she was inducted to the
prestigious 4-H alumni organization, the Sussex 4-H Order of the Link, whose members plan and support many 4-H events. Two of Mary’s daughters are Delaware 4-H leaders and 10 of her 11 grandchildren are enrolled in Delaware 4-H! In all of these capacities, we look forward to seeing Mary at many future 4-H events.
And we, too, will enter a new chapter as Mary’s colleagues will seek to fill her very big shoes! In the months ahead, we will ask for your cooperation and patience as we prepare the 4-H office and program for new leadership. There will be new changes, but always in consideration of and deep respect to the 4-H program, the incredible youth and volunteer leaders that give our county program its own unique identity! During this transition period, any questions regarding the Sussex County 4-H program should be directed to Tammy at (302) 856-2585 x 544.
Yours in 4-H,
The Sussex 4-H Team: Ernie, Jill, Lindsay, Michele,Mike, Rita, and Tammy