Sussex 4-H Jr. Leader Weekend 2019

Nineteen excited Sussex Junior Leaders spent March 22-24 at Cape Henlopen State Park for Junior Leader Weekend.  On Friday evening the group arrived, planned Younger Member Weekend, Kaleb Scott announced counselors for Younger Member Weekend, and the teens had a time of fellowship with s’mores, followed by a movie.

Saturday morning activities included a relaxing rejuvenation activity of yoga led by Madison Rice.  Afterward, youth engaged in a Motivation and Appreciation workshop taught by staff of Lead Your Way Solutions, who specialize in developing aspiring leaders to master the principles of extraordinary leadership.  The afternoon consisted of workshops on Contingency Planning and Brainstorming, led by county 4-H leader, Sharon Anderson.  The teens also took part in a community service activity by writing thank you notes to show their appreciation for important individuals in their lives.  Mattie Smith also led a fun math-themed scavenger hunt.  After dinner and a chance to enjoy the state park, Jenna Anger and Madison Rice led a workshop on the importance of Parliamentary Procedure. In the evening, the group of teens danced the night away with a traditional 4-H dance, followed by a movie.

After breakfast and reflections on Sunday, three high school seniors in attendance, Jacob Maske, Madison Rice and Matison Smith, were recognized for their time in Sussex County 4-H and shared with the group what 4-H has meant to them.  The group clean-up of the facility concluded our stay.

Junior Leader Weekend provides counselor training and preparation for Sussex County camps.  The 2019 “y = 4-H Success” Weekend brought out the talents, creativity and leadership of our youth!  Be sure to look for upcoming Sussex County Camps!

Special thanks to:  Chaperones: Melissa Mitchell, Dave Mitchell, Jill Jackson and Kaleb Scott (Chaperones were also cooks for the weekend), Nurse:  Sharon Anderson, Leadership Workshops: Lead Your Way Solutions, Sharon Anderson, Matison Smith, Jenna Anger and Madison Rice, Planning Committee: Destiny Carmona, Diamond Carmona, Dakota Carmona, Taylor Wroten, Trey Lodge, Sundene Lodge, Kyle Morris, Matison Smith, Jenna Anger and Jacob Maske, Reflections: Jenna Anger, Rejuvenation Activities: Matison Smith and Madison Rice, Movies: Matison Smith, Facility: Camp Henlopen State Park.

More photos from this event can be found on the Delaware 4-H Flickr site.




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