2018 Sussex 4-H Window Displays

We had eleven wonderful Sussex 4-H 2018 Window Displays!  The judges were very impressed with all the displays and the variety of ideas that came out of the “Inspire Kids to Do” theme.  We encourage all clubs to use these displays throughout the year at community events, etc.  These displays are too great to be seen for only one week!

Judges chose the top 3 winners who will be able to take their displays to the State Fair.  The winners are as follows:



1st Place:  Harbor Lights – Interactive display where you could push buttons and hear the voices of 4 members and how 4-H has impacted their lives!

Link to short video clip of the display:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/ahTbQDSUmVuApj1d9






2nd Place:  Cypress Heart & Hands – Very bright and eye catching display.  The members wrote how 4-H inspires  them on each paint splatter








3rd Place:  Hollymount – Eye catching display with large photos of members and how they are inspired to do a variety of things through 4-H.




Honorable Mention:  Seaford Blue Jays, Dublin Hill, Bridgeville Mustangs, Lucky Leaf & Little Creek Clovers, Lord Baltimore, Clover Knights, Stateline and Henlopen Clovers

Photos of all displays can be found on the Flickr site Great job everyone!

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