Coast Day 2018 Photography Contest Rules and Guidelines
Who: Contest is open to residents of Delaware and University of Delaware students. Age restrictions apply based on social media platform requirements. Please see below.
What: The 2018 Coast Day theme is “Science Serving Coastal Communities.” For the photo contest, we are looking for photos of people interacting with Delmarva’s natural landscape, particularly in ways that show how people can play an active role in helping the environment or take part in the coastal economy.
When & Where: Entries must be posted on Instagram by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, October 1, 2018, and follow the full guidelines. Contest winners will be notified by Thursday, October 4, 2018 via social media and recognized at Coast Day (, the annual open house hosted by the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment and the Delaware Sea Grant College Program at the Hugh R. Sharp Campus in Lewes, Delaware. This year, the event will be held Sunday, October 7.
All entries that meet the contest criteria will be digitally displayed at Coast Day. The winning entry and first runner-up, who submit the photos that most closely represent the theme, will receive a $100 and $50 Visa gift card, respectively. Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges. The winning photo will be featured on Delaware Sea Grant’s website and at Coast Day, and through the supporting social media accounts, including that of the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment and Delaware Sea Grant. Entries may be created by an individual or group, but only one prize will be awarded per entrant.
How to Enter
Step 1: Understand the Guidelines Please read carefully! • Photos will be scored by a panel of judges on several criteria including: creativity, originality, adherence to theme, and quality of composition. • Photos previously produced for compensation are not eligible. • University of Delaware staff and faculty members may enter the photo contest but are not eligible for prizes. • Photos may have been taken anywhere on the Delmarva peninsula, but must have been taken after October 1, 2017. • Photos that include or imply violence, profanity, sex, or direct attacks on individuals or organizations will not be considered. • Your photo must not infringe on any third-party rights — all content must be the original work of the entrant(s), and may not include copyrighted graphics or images that are not in the public domain. • By submitting a photo to this contest, you give Delaware Sea Grant and/or the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment license to copy, distribute, modify, display, and perform publicly and otherwise use and authorize others to use your photo for any educational purpose and in any media. • Photo submissions are limitless per contestant.
• It is assumed that by entering you are in compliance with Instagram age eligibility rules. If either winner is under 18 years of age, it is assumed that parental/guardian permission has been granted. Age of the winner will be confirmed before prizes are awarded.
Step 2: Snap a Photo • Participants may take a wide range of approaches to the nature discoveries topic. Some examples include wildlife, coastal scenes, underwater photos, or a hiking trail. Please always consider your own personal safety when taking photos! • Upon submission, it will be assumed that you have permission for or from any recognizable persons appearing in your photo. If selected as a winner, you must provide a photo release form per recognizable individual.
Step 3: Submit Your Entry
1. Snap a photo that fits within the contest theme.
2. Share the photo on Instagram using the hashtag #DECoastDay. Leave a brief description of the photo (location, what the photo is of, how it relates to the theme, other pertinent information) in the caption. Make sure your privacy settings are set so that we can see your post.
3. Follow the Delaware Sea Grant Instagram account (@deseagrant)
We encourage participants to like or follow Delaware Sea Grant on Facebook ( and Twitter (, and follow the hashtag #DECoastDay to see what others are posting and to learn more about Coast Day and our work to serve the Delaware coast and its communities.
Have any questions? Please contact Mark Jolly-Van Bodegraven at or (302)-831-0566.