Club News: March 2018

Bridgeville Mustangs – Alexia Carroll, Reporter
We started out our meeting “Lion Hunting”. Next, we went all over the world with  our taste testing at International Foods and watched a wonderful show of skits and  talents. The Mustangs were able to aid in a worthy cause to help with Operation  Christmas Child. We braved the cold to skate on the ice at the State skating party. The  younger members got the privilege of creating projects at Winter Fun Day. Upcoming  Mustang Fun Fest, a fest with a lot of fun and creativity. This helps our younger  members with even more entries for the fair. At the end of our meeting we rocked our  knowledge in the 4th “H” is for Health.

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands 4H Club – Ruby DiSabatino, Reporter
At our January meeting, we made penguins for the Meals on Wheel clients to go along with their month’s theme of “Happy Feet.”  We made about 60 egg carton penguins. Miss Kathy spoke to us about the upcoming events in the county as well as the partnership with JoAnn fabrics and 4H.  Ruby told about their shopping trip for fabrics there.  Cassidy brought healthy snacks for our 4th H project – rice cakes, juice, apple slices and craisins.  Yum!

At our February meeting, Ruby told about the Winter Fun Day activities she had done the previous month, and also about last year’s Spring Fling so the new members would know what to expect.  Then we made beaded book marks, to enter in the State Fair.  Ruby served strawberry and orange infused water.  Since there is no school on Mon. Feb. 19th, Ms. Kathy will have the club over to make crafts for the State fair.  Our next meeting will be March 9th.


Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter
As always, our meeting began with singing and dancing! When we finished, we started our business meeting. We talked about upcoming events such as the Favorite Foods Contest and Demonstration Contest! I loved hearing what participants were going to make for the contest. Everything sounded delicious! Once our business meeting concluded, we split into two groups. One group watched a video to prepare them for the favorite food contest, and the other learned about table setting and the Demonstration Contest. To prepare for the Demonstration Contest, we partnered up and picked topics to demonstrate in front of the group. After that, we learned how to set a table. I definitely learned a lot. Before the lesson, I had no idea which side the fork or knife went on, or where the cup went! The video was extremely helpful as well. It explained everything you need to know about the contest and went over many important pieces of information to keep in mind. This meeting certainly did a wonderful job at teaching us about the Favorite Foods Contest and Demonstration Contest!

Clover Knights – Abby Frost, Reporter
Hey everyone. Hope you are having a good day. At this month’s meeting we had a Valentine’s exchange party. Our craft for that night was a jar with 52 slips of paper saying how much we love our moms or dads or both. We went over due dates and upcoming events. This includes that The National Bee Keeping Essay which is due March 9. If you want to plant trees, it will be on March 17 and 18 in Townsend Delaware. State Camp cost is $310 per camper. I suggest filling out scholarship forms to get the price lowered. Make sure you email Tammy if you are doing the upcoming archery shoot on March 11. It is on a Sunday at 3pm. If you need to go to safety, it will be at 2pm at the REC. The shoot itself will be behind the chicken houses.

Stateline – Gladis VanGessel, Reporter
Stateline had their 5th meeting on February 21. We discussed old business and new business, such as 4-H camp and many other fun activities to participate in. We also discussed our family dinner.  We plan to go to Grottos Pizza and have our meeting there as well. They have a game room and we thought it would be a fun, new experience. Our next meeting will be on March 20.

Bridgeville Mustangs – Ryan Cummings, Reporter
The February meeting for the Bridgeville Mustangs was held on Thursday February 15, 2018.  Our meeting started around 7:30 and that’s when the fun began. The pledges were said and then Abby gave us a safety report about stranger danger and Annika gave a health report about staying healthy during the flu season.

Since our meeting was the day after Valentine’s Day we sang a song about a boy and a girl in a canoe. (oh by the way he didn’t get the girl) Old business and new business was discussed. At the end of the meeting Meredith and Kyle led a fun exercise activity about stretching before exercising. We then played a fun trivia game with the buzzers about presidential history since Presidents Day was coming up. They were facts that were listed in the February newsletter.

After the game the meeting was adjourned and we enjoyed refreshments. Cloverbuds also enjoyed their meeting learning about owls and made an adorable owl craft. We also collected cereal for the church food pantry for our community outreach program.

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