County Updates: November 2017

National 4-H Conference 2018 – Applications Due December 1, 2017
The 2018 National 4-H Conference will take place April 7-12 at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, MD.  This event is sponsored by the Delaware 4-H Foundation.  Applications from teens that are 10th and 11th graders will be accepted until December 1.
The application can be found on the State 4-H web site

The National 4-H Conference is the annual premiere national civic engagement opportunity for 4-H members (15-19 years old) across the country.  Conference is a hands-on, working conference in which delegates participate in a variety of programs and activities.  Participants have the opportunity to practice and apply in a real world setting their newly-developed and refined skills.

Participation in the National 4-H Conference is sponsored by the Delaware 4-H Foundation.

Diamond Clover Award Intent Forms DUE November 22
Delaware 4-H members are eligible to participate in the Diamond Clover Award program. It is intended to take a 4-H member six years to complete. The nice thing about this award is that many 4-H members are already doing the work, so all you need to do is fill out the forms and submit them. For other 4-H members, this award can provide you with a long-term challenge for your 4-H career. Either way, when you have finished the process you have completed an amazing journey that will benefit you forever. A Diamond Clover Award will look pretty good on your college application too!

To find out more, visit the Diamond Clover site on the State 4-H webpage at:

Scholarship Opportunities
All forms and applications can be found on the Delaware 4-H website:

Delaware 4-H Foundation and United Way
The Delaware 4-H Foundation is not a United Way agency but is eligible to receive write-in contributions as a non-profit.  If you and other 4-H friends and supporters would like to designate your United Way contribution to 4-H, go to the write-in account section of the United Way form.  Use the number 9020 and Delaware 4-H Foundation to designate your donation to 4-H.  The address is 113 Townsend Hall, 531 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE  19716-2210.  Funds received in this manner become part of the contributions to 4-H.  All contributions are acknowledged by the Delaware 4-H Foundation when United Way notifies us of the pledge.  We appreciate your continued support of 4-H!

State 4-H Ice Skating Party – December 2018 (during Winter Break)
Location:  Centre Ice Skating Center on the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington.

Cost will be $4.00 per person, which includes admission and skate rental.  The Centre would like to continue to hold a food drive at this event so all participants are requested to bring in a canned or boxed item of food that can be donated to the local food pantry.  All 4-H members are invited, and they may bring a friend who is not a 4-H member, but they are responsible for this friend while at this event.

State 4-H Leaders Forum – Saturday, February 3, 2018
Location:  Townsend Hall, Newark (UD Campus)

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