Over one hundred Sussex 4-H members and family celebrated International Foods at the North Georgetown Elementary School on November 19, 2016. A variety of countries were represented. Junior Council President, Colleen Anderson served as moderator. Fifty-one 4-H members prepared an international recipe which was displayed and sampled at the event. Many other dishes were prepared by 4-H families participating in the Talent Show. Following the dinner, club talent provided the theatre entertainment. This event is a favorite family fall activity! Check out the photos on our Delaware 4-H Flickr site!
Special thanks to:
- Set up committee: Jacalyn Bradley, Colleen Anderson, Rebecca Arpie, Matison Smith, Dan Tull, Shawn & Melissa Mitchell
- International Foods Chairpersons: Jacalyn Bradley & Melissa Mitchell
- Greeters: Rebecca Arpie, Erin Carey, Kyle Morris, Madison Rice, Matison Smith
- Emcees: Colleen Anderson & Shawn Mitchell
- Photographer: Jackie Arpie
- Clean Up: 4-H Families!
- Exchange Trip Silent Auction: Gina Anger
International Foods participants: Jenna Anger, Juliette Anger, Rebecca Arpie, Brooklyn Bailey, Wyatt Baker, James Blair, Thomas Blair, Jesse Buck, Erin Carey, Rachel Carey, Dakota Carmona, Destiny Carmona, Diamond Carmona, Alyssa Carpenter, Brittan Carpenter, Cole Carpenter, Aron Carrow, Calleigh Clarkson, Ivy Ann Genshaw, Seth Genshaw, Brynn Hovatter, Miley Hovatter, Austin Jewell, Jill Koski, Beth Krajewski, Megan Krajewski, Sarah Krajewski, Abby Krams, Lizzy Krams, Autumn Lenhart, Christopher Lenhart, Rebecca Lenhart, Sundene Lodge, Thomas McCabe, Caydance Means, Embrey Means, Shawn Mitchell, Kyle Morris, Mallory O’Bier, Madison Rice, Evan Short, Juliana Sites, Matison Smith, Victoria Smith, Hallie Terry, Bryan Ucman, Lexi Ucman, Miranda Ucman, Samantha Webb, Ainsley West, Declan West
Talent Show participants: Hollymount Club, Clover Knights Club, Dairy Club, Dublin Hill Club, Abby Krams, Jenna Anger, Juliette Anger, Brittany & Cole Carpenter
All Participants of the night’s events received a Participation Ribbon.
Sussex 4-H Exchange Trip: The group provided a Silent Auction fundraiser with items such as homemade food items, holiday décor and much more! Thank you to all those who bid on the items and donated money for this wonderful 4-H experience.