What has #4HGROWN in you? Check in today with 4-H & HughesNet & share photos from your 4H experience: www.4-h.org/4HGROWN
We suppose you have heard by now that Delaware is competing for a $10,000 STEM or Science Scholarship, sponsored by HughesNet and National 4-H. It is a social media campaign with two main goals – to get as many people (youth, adults & volunteers) affiliated with Delaware 4-H to “check in” and enter their name and email. And two, to post vintage photos on social media using #4HGrown. That’s it! If you are a 4-H alumni, you can identify that with a click on a box, but anyone with an email who has experienced 4-H may check in. You may also opt out to receive emails from National 4-H.
The winner is determined by state population vs the number of check-ins, so we have a good a chance as state to win this! Because Delaware is smaller, we may even have a better chance to take this all the way to the $10K.
How you can help:
- Contact your friends and family who have ANY LEVEL of 4-H in their background (past or present) and ask them to visit 4-h.org/4hGrown. First name, last name and email. That’s it! Anyone with an email can check in.
- Email them, call them up on the phone, let them know at 4-H events
- Help older 4-H alumni who aren’t computer savvy to check in. They will need an email. Help them create a free email, such as Yahoo or Gmail
- On social media, please use the hashtag #4HGrown and share the link and tag your friends and family
- On social media, share a favorite 4-H photo of your experience (vintage or current) and briefly state how the image represents you are #4HGrown
National 4-H is tracking the hashtag #4HGrown (note no dash or spaces) This is not case sensitive. #4hgrown, #4Hgrown work also!
When you post a #4HGrown picture, please make the picture public! On Facebook, you can make specific posts public without undermining your privacy. Or, feel free to post the image directly on Delaware 4-H Facebook. National 4-H is particularly interested in seeing vintage photos. They will be live streaming all posts on the www.4-h.org/4hGrown page.
Also, if you can share content from Delaware 4-H to your timeline, and tag your friends, that would be terrific. If you are on Twitter, please follow @Delaware4H and retweet any #4Hgrown tweets
Last but not least, the www.4-h.org/4hgrown website is not optimized for smartphones. You will need to use a computer.
Let’s help Delaware 4-H succeed in winning a $10,000 Science Scholarship!