2015 Delaware 4-H State Leader Forum

With the Christmas holiday and start of the New Year now past, all of us on the Delaware 4-H staff send you our best wishes during these warm times of family and fellowship

Before February date books become filled with activities, we wanted to invite you to join us in bringing current and potential leaders together for the 2015 Delaware 4-H State Leader Forum……you’ll won’t want to miss this special day!

We are pleased and excited to be having the event on the campus of the University of Delaware in Newark!   The morning program will include a brief welcome and continental breakfast before we get off to our sessions.  Following the first two workshops, we will be enjoying fellowship with a special luncheon ceremony as we recognize our 2015 Salute to Excellence award winners.  The afternoon program will consist of the final workshop and conclude with an evaluation.  We plan to end our day at 3:00 p.m. so you’ll have time to get home early and start putting all of the new ideas you learned into action!

The 2015 DE 4H State Leader Forum WORKSHOP PACKET includes a registration, workshop descriptions and schedule for the day. There will be coach bus transportation roundtrip from Kent and Sussex Counties.  Please be sure to select three choices for each workshop in order of your preference and return your registration form by January 30.  Registration is available online.  This is the preferred method.  You can send in your payment with the form after you have registered online.

To register online click:  State Leader Forum

Please note that the workshops will be filled on a “first-come, first-served” basis, so the earlier you register the better chance you will have of getting your first choice.  The cost of the Forum is $15.00, which helps to offset lunch.  We look forward to seeing you in Newark on February 7!

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