Agent Letter: December ’14-January ’15







Dear 4-H Family,

Happy Holidays!  December is a month to celebrate the spirit of community and spend extra time with our loved ones.  Many clubs will take part in local parades, collect food for the needy, adopt a family, or go caroling in nursing homes or local communities.  Please be sure to read all the posts in the e-news and be sure to mark your calendars with all of the exciting 4-H activities!

 On November 15, over 200 4-H members and families attended the 4 Little Clovers Dinner Theatre at North Georgetown Elementary.  Members prepared delicious dishes from around the world and shared their many talents.  This was a record turn-out and everyone enjoyed this festive event!  Be sure to read the full overview in this newsletter!

Upcoming events include:  State Skating Party, State Teen Conference, Public Speaking Contest, and Winter Fun Day!

I hope you enjoy this holiday season with your loved ones.  As we look forward to the New Year 2015, set your sights high and try new things.  There are sure to be many wonderful opportunities to explore!

Looking forward to seeing you at the next 4-H event!

Yours in 4-H,
Jill Jackson
Extension Educator, 4-H

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