Club News – November 2014

Bridgeville Mustangs  – Jenna Anger, Reporter
The BridgBridgeville Mustangs 4-H Logoeville Mustangs held their meeting on October 26 led by co-president Kaitlyn Willin.  Prior to the meeting Exploring 4-H Co-leaders, Erin Carey and Jenna Anger started teaching the clubs new 4-Her’s what 4-H is all about and gave them boxes to create a 4-H memory box.  We began the meeting with the health reporter Ryan Cummings discussing the topic “Halloween Health”.  Our song leaders, Avery Kerrick and Mallory Cummings taught the song “Fried Ham”, which was a big hit. The club members are preparing for the Pumpkin Contest and packing their bags for the Fall Overnighter.  Congratulations to Paige Vincent for being elected the Sussex County Representative for State Teen Council.   Jenna Anger and Tanner LeCates went to the National Youth Science Day in Washington D.C. this month.  Jenna brought in the rocket she made and showed the club how to fly it.  They had a very fun time and hope that more 4-Her’s from Sussex County can come next year.  Kaleb Parsons, recreation chair, planned a cool game with Skittles candy.  The members loved it and learned new things about their friends.  The Cloverbuds had a pumpkin themed meeting.  They learned pumpkin facts, created pumpkins from paper, colored masks & jack-o-lantern handouts.  They even had gummy pumpkins and candy corn cupcakes for snack.

mustangs nov14

Our project groups have started and members are excited about the meetings.  The Foods group made adorable Halloween treats that were yummy.  Archery project group held a safety training and shoot.  We have some awesome shooters!  Health project group discussed poisons and made a poison bottle decoration.  In November, our new project group “Outdoor Adventures” is starting and being led by Mrs. Susan DeFord.  If you love nature this is the group for you!   Poultry, Consumer Ed, Small Engines, Arts & Crafts, Horse, and Horticulture all have meeting scheduled.    Until next time…….Happy Halloween!!!!

Hollymount – Sarah Krajewski, Reporter
HollymountThe Hollymount 4-H Club met on Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 6:30 pm.  Our meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H pledge.  We discussed upcoming events and reviewed the Achievement night event – several Hollymount 4H’ers attended and received awards! We also heard reports from our members that participated in the Coastal Cleanup on September 20, 2014.  Next, we voted to ride on a float during the Lewes Christmas Parade.  We are very excited, since we’ve walked the parade in years past.  Lastly, we broke into groups to work on our skit for the talent show. A few days after the meeting, Hollymount celebrated National 4-H week by hosting a very successful food drive on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at Giant in Rehoboth.  We are looking forward to the upcoming events!

Hollymount food drive September 2014






Cypress Heart & Hands – Abby Krams, Reporter
cypress heart and handsOur club met on October 14, 2014. Brynn Hovatter led the 4-H pledge and Miley Hovatter led the Pledge of Allegiance. Under old business we discussed our club elections and the Achievement banquet. Under new business we talked about The Fall Overnighter/Pumpkin Contest, the Paper Clover Fundraiser, International Foods and our bowling fundraiser. We did an activity where we peel the top of a mini orange and put a green grape on the top to make a cute pumpkin treat. We finally gave out our year pins and project books. Our next meeting will be on November 11, 2014.

Clover Knights – Autumn Lenhart, Reporter
Clover Knights 4-H ClubThe Clover Knights have been enjoying this Fall. Our monthly meeting was very successful with 25 memebers in attendance. We had a great time learning about all the awesome opportunities that 4-H has to offer.  We are looking forward to the pumpkin contest being held on Saturday October 25th. Register your pumpkins from 6-6:30pm. We would like to thank Mr. Bo and the University of Delaware farm for supplying our club with pumpkins. Speaking of pumpkins, Ms. Noel had a unique craft prepared for us. We decoupaged pages of books onto a foam pumpkin. They really looked cool and studious. Ms. Francis and her daughter Mary made a delicious snack for us, homemade pumpkin and apple pie and apple cider. Thank you so much it was fantastic!

Congratulations to Ruby Phillips for her team winning Horse Bowl and to Megan Wilson her medal in archery. All members were award there year pins.

On Saturday Oclover knights picctober 18, our club met to clean up the road we have adopted. It was a beautiful, breezy Fall day for Bo, Sylvia, and Travis Waller. Donald, Michelle, and Megan Wilson, Richard, Sabrina, and Sirena Banks, and Chris, Noel, Becca, Autumn, and Christopher Lenhart to collect 10 bags of trash and 1 bag of cans. We thank you for putting in your valuable time to keep our little piece of Sussex County clean.

Don’t forget our club is collecting hygiene products for the Indian River School District Food Pantry. Please bring your items to our next meeting on November 11 at 6pm. See you soon!

Dublin Hill – Matison Smith, Reporter

Dublin Hill 4-HDublin Hill had a great second meeting. It started off with a fire safety demonstration and a photography demonstration.  After that, the meeting was led by our new President’s; Erryn Smith and Laurie Wroten. After the pledges, roll call, secretary report and treasurer report, Old Business was discussed; Shawn Mitchell discussed what happened during Coastal Cleanup and Matison Smith talked about the petting zoo.  Lastly everyone was congratulated on getting third place on are Window Display. Our new Presidents’ then talked about New Business such as the upcoming Pumpkin Contest.  We also talked about planning different activates on Veteran’s Day. The meeting ended with an announcement for a card making party and refreshments.

Dairy Club – Holly Anderson, Reporter
cowDuring our October meeting we learned about calf care.  Holly presented a Power Point demonstration which taught everyone what is involved in keeping dairy calves healthy for the first 8 weeks of their lives. Ashley and Holly introduced plans for a skit which our club will perform at the Talent Show, and then we practiced.  If you plan to attend the show–be prepared to be educated and entertained! Mrs. Anderson began project book training so that we can all complete a dairy project this year.  Three days later, we met at Hopkins Dairy farm to see the calves and some of the equipment needed to care for them. As luck would have it, a calf was being born just as we arrived which turned out to be a perfect start to our lesson about calves!  Our next field trip is coming up in November.  We will be visiting several different types of milking parlors including a Rotary Parlor.  Plan to join us at our next meeting on Wednesday 11/19 at 6:30 pm in the Carvel Building if you are interested in learning about Dairy Science.

Harbor Lights – Destiny Carmona, Reporter
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Destiny Carmona. And I was elected as the new Harbor Lights reporter.
On our October meeting we met at Abbotts Mill Nature Center. We had a great nature walk and scavenger hunt. Some of our members took interesting pictures of insects, leaves, the meadow, etc.
On our meeting we elected new officers for the 2014-2015 year. Elise Goehringer is our new club President, Mikayla Ockels is our new Vice President, Olivia Goehringer is our Secretary, Collin Cunningham is our new Treasurer, and I am the new Reporter.
I am so excited to join the Harbor Lights Club. This is my first year as reporter. I am so excited for the upcoming events!

East Coast 4-H Riding Club – Rita Lofland, Reporter
4-H East Coast Riding Club logoEast Coast 4-H held their first meeting on Thursday, October 16, 2014.  Mrs. Lofland, club leader,  gave a short report of upcoming 4-H county events and a review of East Coast activities for the past year.    She congratulated all horse bowl teams and county and state horse judging participants.  Members discussed new business, including the Horse of the Year contest, equine blog and Breyer horse show.  Leaders will be looking for clinic and tour suggestions.

Next year the club will plan a Breyer Horse Show in the spring.  There will not be a Breyer horse painting event.  Plans were made to form new horse bowl teams for the March contest.  Club members will be meeting next month to get organized.  Anyone interested in participating in the horse bowl, please
contact Mrs. Lofland.  The meeting was adjourned.  Everyone enjoyed refreshments and had fun painting pumpkins with horse stencils!  Watch for new meeting dates to be posted soon!


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