The Statewide Clothing Showcase took place on Saturday, April 12 at Woodbridge Elementary School in Greenwood. Participants arrived at 2 pm and were interviewed by judges on their garments. The youth also participated in their County Clothing Judging Contests and made Hero Packs for Military children whose parents will soon be deployed. The contestants practiced their modeling skills and enjoyed a delicious dinner, provided by the Kent County 4-H Links.
The Clothing Showcase began at 7 pm where participants were judged on their modeling skills. Each county gave ribbons to the participants and the honor courts received gift cards. The statewide honor court was also announced and received a lovely garment bag, donated by Carole Vincent.
A special thank you to Sussex County 4-H volunteers and teens who helped make the event a success:
• Stage Decorations: Teresa Scott, Becky Vanderwende, Kimberlyn Scott, Jackie Arpie, Rebecca Arpie, Shannon Bradley, Amy Levesque, and Angela Lagano.
• Registration: Gail Tipton
• Community Service: Debbie Lagano & Angela Arpie
• Judging Proctor: Carlene Jones
• Planning Committee: Debbie Lagano, Teresa Scott, & Gail Tipton
Sussex County Honor Court
Advanced Champion – Kimberlyn Scott
Ready to Wear – Sussex
Junior Winner – Jenna Anger
Senior Winner – Travis Waller
Other Ready to Wear Participants from Sussex County were:
Jackie Arpie & Rebecca Arpie
New Castle Honor Court
Beginner Champion: Lindsey Kaufman
Intermediate Champion: Glynnis Leach
Kent County Honor Court
Beginners: Rain Vasey,Sophia Fitler,Rachel Taylor,Maycee Collison, Kaitlyn Coverdale & Emily Dotterer
Intermediate: Lake Vasey
Advance Intermediate: Leslie Webb & Spring Vasey
Advanced: Lena Berry & Mary Beth Robbins
State Honor Court
Beginners: Rain Vasey,Sophia Fitler,Rachel Taylor,Maycee Collison, Kaitlyn Coverdale & Emily Dotterer
Intermediate: Lake Vasey
Advance Intermediate: Leslie Webb & Spring Vasey
Advanced: Lena Berry & Mary Beth Robbins
Please visit the State 4-H Flickr Page for more photos from this event!