2014 Cow Camp

                                               Delaware Cow Camp 2014
dairyYouth and adult dairy volunteers are beginning to plan for Cow Camp 2014 which will be held on Saturday, July 5th and Sunday, July 6th at the Delaware State Fairgrounds.
The day will begin with registration at 9:30. Participants should bring their own calf if they have one. If a child wishes to participate and does not have access to a calf, one can be provided for them. The weekend schedule will provide ample opportunities for great hands on learning experiences as well as time for socializing and fun. Activities will be scheduled throughout the camp to give participants experiences with fitting and showmanship as well as an introduction to some dairy science related topics.

Participants of all skill levels are welcome. Campers and their calves will work in small
groups, each led by a former Cow Camp Champ. There will be time for fitting of
individual animals and showmanship practice. These activities will be age and
experience appropriate with some doing more clipping and others just giving it a try.

Participants should bring a bag lunch for Saturday. Dinner Saturday and breakfast
Sunday are included in the registration fee. Participants are not required to stay
overnight if they do not wish to. Sunday’s planned activities include a small show and
will conclude with a family picnic. Please indicate on your registration form how many
family members will be attending the Sunday picnic so we can plan accordingly.

A current 4-H Health Form is required for participation. Cloverbuds are welcome to participate; however, an adult needs to attend with them. Any parent wishing to stay
overnight with their child must have completed the Delaware 4-H volunteer screening process.

Registration forms and the $10.00 registration fee are due by June 13th. Please make checks payable to the Delaware Holstein Association. Please mail registration form, Health Form, and fee to Cow Camp, 69 Transportation Circle, Dover, DE 19901.

For more information, please contact
Susan Garey truehart@udel.edu or (302)730-4000.
Additional funding for this activity is being provided by a grant from the Chuck Busker Endowment with the Delaware 4-H Foundation and the Delaware Holstein Association. Once you have registered, additional information will be provided.

2014 Cow Camp Registration Form – DEADLINE June 13th.

Child’s Name____________________________ Age ____

Phone number_________________

Mailing Address______________________________ City/Zip__________________________

Please indicate T-Shirt Size: __Youth S __Youth M __Adult S __Adult M __Adult L __
Adult XL __Adult 2XL

I will be bringing a calf _______ I need a calf _______ Email:__________________________

Number attending covered dish picnic_____ Staying overnight? _______Y _______ N

Is there anything we should be aware of about your child that is not covered on the 4-H Health Form?

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