Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – reported by Maggie Ford
Lord Baltimore Helping Hands made bookmarkers during their January meeting. Members also collected books. Books and markers were donated to Stockley Center and The Manor House. At our February meeting we reviewed measurements, label reading, food pyramid, My Plate and table settings in preparation for the Favorite Food Competition.
Sussex County Jr. Council – reported by Joe Anderson
The February Junior Council meeting covered a lot of upcoming events. We discussed State Teen Conference and talked about how many people were attending and what to do when we arrived at the bus. The Public Speaking Contest was also a topic of conversation and a sign up sheet was passed around so that Jr. Council members could decide on jobs like greeters or passing out programs. The Favorite Foods Contest also had a clipboard to pass around. Another event coming up next month that was discussed was the Jr Leader Weekend, and a clipboard was passed around for signing up to be on the planning committee. We ended the meeting with a fun leadership activity. Our next meeting will be held March 4 at the Carvel Center.
Clover Knights– reported by Autumn Lenhart
On a rainy night in February, the Clover Knights were preparing to learn something new! Our own Quinlyn Long taught us about the Chinese New Year. She did a great job and brought a book with lots of pictures of China and Chinese culture. Afterward, we made a traditional New Year craft: paper lanterns. They were fantastic! Ms. Sylvia and Taylor Wagner put together a wonderful make-it-yourself trail mix buffet. Yum! Two Clover knights, Thomas McCabe and Autumn Lenhart participated bravely participated in the Public Speaking Contest. Our next meeting will be Monday, March 11 at the REC Annex.
Seaford Blue Jays – reported by Brittany Carpenter
At our last meeting we shared our recently attended 4-H activities. Maggie assisted with Winter Fun Day and enjoyed helping make sun catchers. Two of our members, Maggie and Shannon, also attended state teen weekend and shared their experiences. We had a guest speaker, Miss Ginger, a professional photographer. She enlightened us with a presentation and visual display of different cameras and accessories. She taught us about how lighting, subject matter, and the type of camera can all factor Into taking a great picture. We even got to enjoy a hands on photo shoot with member volunteers. We finished up with a Valentine craft of bracelets and pins which we delivered to residents at Genesis Center. Seaford Blue Jays would like to send a special Thank You to Mrs. Argo for her many years of service! Thank You!
Dublin Hill – submitted by Erryn Smith
At the February Dublin Hill Club Meeting we all had lots of fun. From discussing Public Speaking, with a big congratulations to Alanna, Alex, and Ayden for all doing so well on their speeches, to new business, like Sydney James being selected to attend National Conference. We are looking forward to the Favorite Foods Contest. We even are starting to look forward to the Fair already (143 days left as of Feb. 25)! We started preparing projects like footstools, and we made some cards as well. We had a successful, eventful meeting, and had lots of fun!
Bridgeville Mustangs – reported by Jenna Anger
The Bridgeville Mustangs, Feb.21. meeting was called to order by President Jaycie Kerrick. There were quite a few members missing due to being sick, but we had a very lively meeting. The members shared their involvement in club and county events. The Clover buds made a cute recycled craft. It was a bird feeder made from toilet paper roll, peanut butter, and bird seed. Thank you Mrs. Heather Kerrick for a being a great Cloverbud leader!! After the meeting, we continued with consumer ed. Foods and Nutrition Judging Training.
Our Performing Arts project group, led by Mrs. Robin Smith, had a cool meeting. Our topic was mime and stage make-up. We applied make-up to each other’s faces. It was so much fun!! Ms. Melissa Layton and the Equinators have been hard at work, preparing for the Horse Bowl. The Mustangs had a Favorite Foods Training night. Each participant brought their dish, set a place setting, and was judged. Then we sampled the food… YUMMY!!! Mrs. Marian Carey had 4 fun games that helped us prepare for judging. The Mustangs had an awesome turn out at the Favorite Foods Contest, 22 members participated. Congratulations to you all on a job well done!! At the Public Speaking Contest, there were many great speeches. Kaitlyn Willin, Meredith Carey, Erin Carey and Jenna Anger did a fantastic job. Meredith Carey won overall in her division. WAY TO GO MEREDITH!!!! Lastly, the Jr. Leaders have been busy preparing projects for our Mustang Winter Fun Fest. It will be a super, fun evening. See you there MUSTANGS!!!
La Casita – reported by Mary Argo
First graders participated in a winter art contest. Winners were Joseph and Yesly! Congratulations and keep up the great artwork. Second graders are working on their artwork and perhaps in the next newsletter we can announce winners! In February La Casita 4-H’ers learned about our heart. The heart is a pump that circulates the blood throughout the body carrying nutrients and oxygen. It is the about the size of one’s fist. Exercise and good nutrition help keep the heart strong. 4-H’ers enjoyed exercising and eating healthy snacks! Miss Michele read the “Kissing Hand” book and all learned the importance of caring and love. It was fun to learn about Chester, the raccoon. Each 4-H member decorated a heart magnet to give to a special person on Valentine’s Day. Visit the photo gallery and see La Casita 4-H’ers in action.
Stateline – reported by Harmony Broussard
Greetings from Stateline!! Harmony and Emmaly attended the State Teen Conference and told the group about their weekend. Our members were encouraged to attend in the Public Speaking Contest, and the Favorite Foods Contest. We have a few that are planning on participating in each. Several of us love the Archery Shoots and will see some of you all there.The club members that attended Winter Fun Day had a Blast and can’t wait to do it again next year! We are getting excited about the about our club’s Family Dinner and Awards Program on March 3. We all agreed that our theme will be “Hollywood Stars” and that we would make this a dress up affair and “walk the red carpet”. We discussed the Exchange Trip possibility and Mrs. Pam told us to keep our ears open for any new information about that. We are all working on earning our Diamond Clover Awards for this year. We were saddened to hear of the death of Mr. Leroy and Mrs. Evelyn Messick. Mrs. Messick was a leader of our club many years ago. Our hearts go out to their family!
Hope to see you all at the next 4-H event!!!
[Editors Note: 4-H reporters are youth who are elected as club officers at the beginning of the year, and are encouraged to write and submit their 4-H club news. Reporting reinforces leadership and writing skills; 4-H club news reports are posted in the order in which they are received and we endeavor to publish the reports as written with minimal editing.]