Club News – March 2014

Country Clovers – Angela Lagano, Reporter

countryclovers4Country Clovers is off to an exciting start for 2014. At our February meeting we welcomed Joelle to 4-H. After discussing all of our regular business, we got busy in the kitchen making some pretzels; which were enjoyed by all, while discussing the upcoming rain barrel contest. Everyone is very excited about getting together to design and paint the barrel. Also we discussed getting together to make baked goods for the tractor pull that will be held at the State Fairgrounds on March 8th & 9th. All proceeds from this bake sale will go toward Miss Mary Argo’s Endowment. We are asking everyone to donate baked goods packaged individually for sale as snacks for the tractor pull participants. Anyone that would be so kind as to donate goods, or time to help us, please contact Tammy Duvall at (302)238-7498 or Debbie Lagano at (302)245-4237.

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – Maggie Ford, Reporter

LBHHLord Baltimore Helping Hands has been busy this winter. In December we rang the bell for Salvation Army, collected gifts for a needy family and had our Pot Luck Christmas Dinner. At our January meeting we made two ‘healthy dips’ which we enjoyed with carrots and apples. We also made bookmarks for the Senior Center. During our February meeting we made blueberry smoothies, we reviewed favorite food contest, table setting and judging information.


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