October 2013 News Updates


On Friday, October 4, over 40 4-H youth and 12 adult volunteer leaders traveled to the Western Sussex Boys & Girls Club in Seaford to promote Sussex County 4-H.

From the moment guests arrived at the door and saw our beautiful fall decorations, to the slow bike race, line dancing, hula hoop contests, robotics games,  Asset and Health Rocks games, tin punch craft, cupcakes (yum!), corn toss and other games music, pizza and swimming, guests knew they were in for a fun and well executed event!  It was a great evening for our youth and the community.  What a fun way to show others the wonders of 4-H.

Both the Sussex Health Promotion Coalition and the Boys and Girls Club staff were so appreciative or our event which was sponsored by the Engaging Youth Serving Communities (EYSC) grant.

Thank you to the following people who helped at the event:  Karen Johnston and her team, Mike Love, Debbie Lagano, Marian Carey, Gina Anger, Tammy Duvall, The Lenhart family, The Rice family, Bridgeville Mustangs, Jackie & Rebecca Arpie, Whitney Records, Travis Waller, Andy Duvall, Lindsay Hughes, and Jill Jackson

Officer Training
Monday, Nov. 4, 2013, 6 p.m. at Carvel Center
If you are an officer of your club, please plant to attend this informational training.

National 4-H Congress – November 29 – December 3, 2013

Ten youth will be attending the 2013 National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Ga.  Representatives from Sussex County will be Holly Anderson, Shannon Bradley, Andy Duvall, Jonah Vincent, and Dustin Waller.

Representatives from Kent County will be Jessica Sullivan and Philip Moore. New Castle County representatives will be Benjamin Shaffer, Ashley Gouge and Miranda Hunter. Be sure to visit with these members when they return to hear about their experiences at this event!

Diamond Clover Award – Intent Forms DUE Nov. 27

Delaware 4-H members are eligible to participate in the Diamond Clover Award program. Delaware 4-H adopted the Diamond Clover Award in 2011 from a program used in Maryland and Nebraska. This award will be the highest level of recognition that a Delaware 4-H member can achieve. It is similar to the Boy Scout Eagle Award or the Girl Scout Gold Award. The Diamond Clover Award consists of six levels, each steadily advancing in intensity and achievement over the last. It is intended to take a 4-H member six years to complete. The nice thing about this award is that many 4-H members are already doing the work, so all you need to do is fill out the forms and submit them. For other 4-H members, this award can provide you with a long-term challenge for your 4-H career. Either way, when you have finished the process you have completed an amazing journey that will benefit you forever. And a Diamond Clover Award will look pretty good on your college application too! To find out more, visit the Diamond Clover site on the State 4-H webpage at:


If you plan to participate in this award program for the 2013-14 4-H year, Level Intent Forms must be submitted by Nov.27

Enrollment Forms
Reminder all enrollment forms are due to the 4-H office by Monday, Dec. 9.

2014 4-H Youth-Adult Partnership Conference
Jan. 17-19, 2014.
Click here for more information: http://extension.udel.edu/4h/2014-4-h-youth-adult-partnership-conference-on-healthy-living/

SAVE THE DATE!!  – State Leader Training
Saturday, February 1, 2014 – State Leader’s Forum – Kent County

Babysitting Training
Feb. 7-8, 2014, REC Annex
Click here for more information and to register for the training


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