Life Smarts Opportunity for 4-Hers in 6th-12th grade!

Looking for an extracurricular activity? A chance to make friends from across the country, and compete for scholarships and other prizes?

LifeSmarts is a national quiz-bowl style competition that tests knowledge on a variety of topics.Participants focus on five key topic areas: consumer rights and responsibilities, the environment, health and safety, personal finance, and technology.

Delaware has placed high at the national level for the past two years! Let’s continue our streak!

Are you interested in being on a team or already have a team to compete in the Delaware 4-H LifeSmarts State contest?

Please fill out the LifeSmarts Form below so we know how many youth are interested and can help you find a team

If you have questions please feel free to reach out to

Kaitlin Rogers at or Jill Jackson at