Sussex 4-H Younger Member Fall Retreat: October 19-20, 2024

When: October 19-20, 2024
Where:  Redden Lodge, Georgetown
Saturday Time: Approx. 8:00 pm (after the Pumpkin Contest)
Sunday Pick up Time:  10:45 am

Younger 4-H members ates 8 through 12 are invited to join us for a camp fire and fun after our annual Pumpkin Contest! Bring a sleeping bag and pillow, as we will “Camp Out” on the floor.  Sunday morning we will have breakfast, 4-H activities and a craft.  Parents should pick-up campers by 10:45 am on Sunday.  4-H teens serve as counselors for this event and Leaders will be chaperones.

Since space is limited to 35 campers.  Those younger members who completed project books will receive first preference in attending this event.

Online Registration through your 4-HOnline account due:  Monday, October 7
Cost is $15.
Make check payable to:  Sussex County 4-H Leaders

Click here for the printable 2024 Younger Member Fall Retreat Flyer