State 4-H Camp Honors 2024

2024 State 4-H Camp Honors

As always, everyone enjoyed their week at State Camp!  We appreciate all the counselors and staff who worked hard to make camp a success!  Below are the 2024 State Camp Honors.

1st Week State Camp Honors:                                           2nd Week State Camp Honors: 

Bears:   Voice:   Bailey Fletcher                                                  Bears:   Voice:   Brock O’Day

Echo:     Sarah Zink                                                                      Echo:     Maura Breeding

Spark:   Ava Gallo                                                                          Spark:   Aidan Garey

Turtles: Voice:   Luke Hopkins                                                     Turtles: Voice:   Koen Jackson

Echo:     Mason Worsham                                                             Echo:     Beth Krajewski

Spark:   Chloe Megee                                                                     Spark:   Demetreus Moutzalias

Moon & Stars:   Voice:   Ainsley West                                      Moon & Stars:   Voice:   Carter Bradley

Echo:     Austin Weldon                                                                 Echo:     Rachel O’Day

Spark:   Melanie Witte                                                                   Spark:   Brooke Turner

Thunderbirds:   Voice:   Ava Raughley                                     Thunderbirds:   Voice:   Kyle Kerr

Echo:     Allison Weldon                                                                Echo:     Noah McDerby

Spark:   Kieran Probert                                                                  Spark:   MacKenzie Cusick


Head:    Kieran Probert                                                  Head:    Carter Bradley

Heart:   Bailey Fletcher                                                  Heart:   Brock O’Day

Hands:  Victoria Fuller                                                  Hands:  Kyle Kerr

Health: Austin Weldon                                                  Health: Beth Krajewski

Spirit:    Ava Raughley                                                    Spirit:    Koen Jackson

Ribbon Girl:        Emmie Knutsen                                Ribbon Girl:        Fiona Nehrbas

Globe Bearer:    Andrew Henning                                Globe Bearer:    Jaxon Pickens