Club News: September 2024

Hollymount – Frankie Joella, Reporter
As our 2023-2024 4-H Hollymount season came to a close, we finished it in the best way possible: an ice cream social! Members brought different components of everything needed to have a great sundae. Even though our meetings are concluded for the season, that does not mean 4-H fun isn’t still to be had! Mr. Joe taught us about fire safety and how to properly use a fire extinguisher.  State Camp started June 10, and the Delaware State Fair went on as always. Hollymount rode the float at the State Fair on Friday the 19th at 7pm. As the summer eventually ends, project books are due to Mrs. West by August 20. Our 2023-2024 4-H season was fantastic, but a new, awesome 2024-2025 season awaits us! Our next meeting will be September 12.