2024 Sussex 4-H Day Camp Recap!

Sussex 4-H Day Camp had another great week! “Willy Wonka” was our camp theme and throughout the week our 60 campers got to explore all different areas of 4-H; from Food Class and Science to Recreation and Arts and Crafts, the youth involved were engaged in many activities. In addition to these classes, campers got to hear from many visitors during assemblies including:  Watermelon Queen Karli, STEAM Educator, Twila Parish-Short, Dairy Princess Natalie Armstrong, and the owners of Candy Connections who brought a treat for all to share!

Campers ended the week with a traditional Council Circle where they sang songs and performed group skits for their parents. Thank you to our assembly presenters as well as our counselors and counselors in training (CIT’s) who worked very hard to make this camp such a success! Counselors included: Carter Bradley, Rachel O’Day, Addison Freebery, Talia Moutzalias, Demetreus Moutzalias, Ruby DiSabatino, Cole Carpenter, Taylor Young, Juliette Anger, Lillie Bradley, Reid Bradley, Cameron Hale, and Logan Jackson. C.I.T’s included: Linda Adams, Ava Dahlstrom, Claire Denham, Joel Denham, Ella Marquez, and Brooke Messick.

Special thanks to our wonderful volunteer leaders and staff who were there to help all week, especially when Ms. Jill was sick and unable to attend:  Cheri Carpenter, Gina Anger, Kathy DiSabatino, Jennie Bradley, Lindsay Hughes, Ernie Lopez and Kaleb Scott.

Look for photos of this camp on the Delaware 4-H Flickr site!