4-H Judging Contest Resources

Judging Contests are designed to support the learning that is taking place in a project area. 4-H members learn to compare and become familiar with project equipment and terminology.  Judging teaches critical thinking and decision-making skills. These skills are valuable to young people as well as adults as they must make decisions every day. Youth who excel in county contests may advance to compete at the Delaware State Fair.
Judging Contest Guides are available on the Contest and Events page.  We encourage all project leaders and 4-H members to review the information related to the many judging contests offered, well in advance of the contest date.  In addition to the guides, training materials will be available from your county office and online.  Preparation for the judging contests is extremely important; learning, researching, and studying should take place over several weeks to several months.
    If you have specific questions related to a contest, please reach out to the contest contact listed.  If you have general questions, or are unsure of whom to contact, reach out to your county 4-H office.
As a reminder, in order to provide accommodations for youth participants, be sure to communicate any special needs to your county 4-H office 2 weeks prior to the scheduled event.

Contest Dates:

Food Judging Contest – February 24 during Favorite Foods Contest

Photography Judging Contest – April 17, 4-7pm at 4-H Office

Wood Judging Contest – April 17, 4-7pm at 4-H Office

Clothing Judging Contest – May 6, 4-6pm at 4-H Office

Horticulture Judging Contest – May 6, 4-6pm at 4-H Office

Wildlife Judging Contest – May 6, 4-6pm at 4-H Office

Contact the following people with any questions:

Clothing Judging Contest

Contact: Lindsay Hughes, Lgooden@udel.edu

Food Judging Contest

Contest Contact: Kaitlin Klair, kklair@udel.edu

Horticulture Judging Contest

Contact: Jenny Trunfio, jtrunfio@udel.edu

Photography Judging Contest

Contact: Jill Jackson, jackson@udel.edu

Wildlife Judging Contest

Contact: Kristin Cook, kristin@udel.edu

Wood Judging Contest

Contact: Ernie Lopez, elopez@udel.edu