Club News: October 2023

Seaford Blue Jays – Olivia Shultie, Reporter
President, Seth Genshaw, led our September meeting as we planned activities for the year ahead. We reviewed our summer activities, including our end of the year party, flower boxes at Lofland, and State Fair entries. Caydance and Embrey taught the club a 4-H camp song. We discussed upcoming events including Coastal Clean Up, Window Display Contest, and the Achievement Banquet. Officer elections for the new 4-H year were held.

Our new slate of officers:

President: Janet Shultie

Vice President: Olivia Shultie

Treasurer: Ivy Genshaw

Secretary: Zipporah Rolph

Reporter: Jayda Genshaw

Song Leaders: Caydance and Embrey Means

We worked on our Window Display in groups. Our display will be in Seaford Tractor Supply. Several club members participated with Coastal Clean-Up in Seaford on September 16.

Sussex Junior Council – Cole Carpenter, Reporter
Junior Council held their first meeting of the year on September 11th, 2023. Summer camps, fair entries, and other 4-h summer activities were discussed.  We had a new officer election. The newly elected officers and support staff are listed below.

President: Carter Bradley
VP: Kyle Kerr
Secretary: Ainsley West
Treasurer: Cole Carpenter
Support Staff:
Reporter: Lillie Bradley

Photographers/Social Media Ambassadors: Juliette Anger, Caydence Means & Embrey Means Congratulations to all!
A Haunted Trail theme was selected. The next haunted trail planning meeting will be held after the Junior Council Meeting on October 2nd at 7:45PM. If you are age 13 or older and interested in helping with the Haunted Trail please plan to attend this meeting. Next Junior Council meeting will be October 2nd, 7PM at the Carvel Building.

Hollymount – Francesca Joella, Reporter
We started off our 4-H year right with this meeting. To start off, we sang our usual fun songs! They were great to get back in the 4-H spirit. Afterwards, we made our way over to where our meeting would take place. There, we got introduced to our officers for this year. We then proceeded to go over old business, including talking about the State Fair! When we were finished talking about all of our old business, we moved on to discussing new business. There are lots of exciting things coming up in our club! Links to Leadership, the Pumpkin Contest and Fall Retreat are just some of the exciting events. We are all very excited for our 4-H year to begin!