Club News: June/July 2023

Sussex 4-H Jr. Council – Cole Carpenter, Reporter
On Monday, May 1st there were 22 attendees to the Junior Council meeting. Members who attended, shared their experiences at the Legislative Day event and reported on their demonstrations for the county. In honor of Mothers Day, Everyone participated in a recycled can propagation activity to give to their Moms. Next month we will finish the year with an Ice Cream Social.

Bridgeville Mustangs – Cole Carpenter, Reporter

Our May monthly meeting was held at the church in Bridgeville. Our group discussed many things including what members plant to enter in the fair, how well they liked Legislative Day, and their excitement.  About the upcoming Younger Member Weekend. We had several health activities including Plogging where you get a partner and both jog while picking up trash. Members also wore the color red to promote a healthy heart. They turned in their total steps for our 5k health challenge, and picked a partner to be their superhero sidekick while performing tasks such as jumping jacks, toe touches, and side bends. The group looks forward to our June meeting.