Club News: May 2023

Lord Baltimore 4-H Club – Cassidy White, Reporter

Ruby called our meeting to order. Wren led the America pledge, and Ruby led the 4-H pledge. While Ruby read the minutes from the newsletter, Wren took attendance. Ruby then explained to us about the National 4-H Summit that she and Cassidy attended in March. She told us of the experiences she had, things she learned in her workshops on Healthy Living, the people from 43 states and 3 territories that she met, and how she can’t wait for the next national level event that she can apply to attend. She strongly urged the rest of our members to consider going to one of these events, for the memories and good times that they’ll be sure to have.

In New Business, Ruby told us about her Diamond Clover project to help provide crafts and supplies for the Roxana CHEER center twice a month. She also reminded us of the deadlines for State Fair entries, and the various camps at the county and state level. She also discussed our club’s table at Evans Park on Earth Day. We’ll be demonstrating how you can help our pollinators (bees and butterflies) while also recycling. There will be samples of the items, as well as printed directions and the recipe for the butterfly nectar. There will also be information about 4-H to share with all the participants, as well as goodies to hand out. And Ruby will be having a bake sale of cookies, brownies, and Rice Krispy treats to raise money for her Diamond Clover Project. Wyatt volunteered to bake Snickerdoodles for her to sell! Thanks, Wyatt!

Miss Kathy then shared with us how we can help our pollinators by making a bee home, a butterfly feeder, and a butterfly puddler – all with recycled materials! Using an empty can and some junk mail paper, she made a home for mason bees. With a tin pie plate, a rock, some sand and soil and water, we were able to make a butterfly puddler . And using a cat food can, a piece of a sponge, and the recipe for butterfly nectar, we had a butterfly feeder.

The last activity at our meeting was to make our tray favors for the Ocean View CHEER Meals on Wheels clients. We made colorful pinwheels. They were sooo cute!

Hollymount 4-H Club – Gianna Joella, Reporter

Our April Hollymount meeting began with our usual time of playing games, singing and dancing.  We then began our business meeting.  After our pledges, we discussed old business, like our beach grass planting day, and new business, such as Legislative Day, the Quarter Auction and the Demonstration Contest.  Once our business meeting concluded, we practiced a song to know for the upcoming State Camp as a group.  Then, it was time to begin our meeting’s project:  tray favors for Meals on Wheels!  We were taught how to turn pipe cleaners and beads into adorable dragonfly tray favors.  It was fun to see how many color combinations we could come up with!  While we worked on the tray favors, we were also shown an example entry for the Demonstration Contest, along with helpful tips and information for those looking to enter.  This was a very helpful meeting!

Bridgeville Mustangs – Cameron Hale, Reporter

Our April club meeting began with our pledges, led by Juliette Anger and Brooke Taylor. Our Song Leader, Sarah Melvin, led us in the Banana Song. Vice President Carter Bradley led the meeting. Kyle Kerr spoke about National 4-H Conference. He was one of five people from Delaware to attend and his favorite part was meeting new people. Our Delaware 4-H Horse Bowl winners received their medals. Our Senior and Junior teams got first place in their categories, and our Beginner team placed third. Go Mustangs! After the meeting adjourned, we learned some fun facts about goats. Did you know there are over 200 breeds of goats? Also, baby goats, known as “kids”, can stand within minutes of being born. Goats do not have upper teeth; they instead have a hard dental pad that helps them break down their food. We took these fun facts and used them to create posters that can be entered into the Delaware State Fair.

Photos: Mrs. Bradley

Seaford Blue Jays 4-H Club Report – Olivia Shultie, Reporter
We welcomed a new member at our March meeting, Landon. President Seth Genshaw led the meeting at the American Legion. Janet led the club song. Caydance and Embrey discussed Links to Leadership days. Grayson entered the Favorite Foods contest and Caydance and Embrey were judge’s assistants. Janet and Olivia participated in the Foods Judging contest. Jake, Janet and Olivia entered exhibits in the Graphic Arts and Photography contest. Upcoming dates and events were reviewed. Cora and Raina brought a snack and drink to share with the club. Janet led the club in a recycled horseshoe craft.

During our April meeting President Seth presented a donation from the club to the Nanticoke Post 6 American Legion.  Janet led the club in a song. We welcomed a new member, Bailey. Several members enjoyed attending the Fair Fest. Janet, Olivia, Caydance, and Embrey plan to compete in the Demonstration contest. Caydance, Embrey, Zipporah, and Paloma plan to attend the Healthy Living retreat. Grayson’s mom, Tasha, led the club in making a sock bunny craft. Logan and Kierra brought pizza for the club to enjoy.

The club met to decorate our litter barrel and plant flowers for Lofland Park Center.