Club News: April 2023

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – Cassidy White, Reporter

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands held their February meeting on Sunday the 12th. The meeting started off with the American and 4-H pledges, as well as introducing our new member, Madison, and guest, Zoe. Then we discussed old business such as Public Speaking and Winter Fun Day, as well as new business including Links to Leadership, Favorite foods, and the Healthy Living Retreat. Next we did our Health activity led by Wyatt and Marshall about snacks and healthy choices while enjoying our own snack of Veggie Straws. Then we did our Meals on Wheels craft that was Valentine’s day themed, which was a card and magnet. Some of our members also drew pictures to give the Meals on Wheels participants as well. Finally, we ended our meeting by learning about what food judging is, with topics on things we use when in the kitchen, how to tell which stages of fruits are better, and the different kinds of knives. This was our February meeting.

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands held their next meeting on March 5, 2023. It started with the American and 4-H pledges. Then we went into old business, which included Favorite foods that many of our members participated in, the Wind Clover meeting that Wyatt and Marshall went and brought back the birdhouses they made, and State Teen Conference that Ruby went to. Next was the new business such as Environmental Camp, Legislative Day, Younger Member Overnighter, and our litter barrel that we will put in Evans park. We also discussed the different items we could place in the State Fair with our Outdoor Adventure projects. Next Wyatt gave a presentation on the benefits of sleep for our 4th H activity. Afterwards, we did a sensory walk outside where we focused on the different senses for set periods of time and wrote down our observations. Finally, we ended the meeting by making our craft for Meals on Wheels, which were clovers with Hershey Kisses inside the leaves.

Cypress Heart and Hands
The members of Cypress Heart and Hands 4-H club are off to a spectacular spring! For our tray favors, we had members from Sunset Branch 4-H club help create Hershey Kiss Clovers. The Kids found them to be cute and slightly challenging to put together. At our club meeting, we went over all past and upcoming events. We had a special visit from the Wild Clovers where they discussed Sunflowers. We learned about the lifecycle by creating a sunflower diagram and got to plant our own sunflowers! Our community service is going well with collecting clothing to donate. We will count how much we receive at the end of the month! Our club also volunteered with the Rise Against Hunger organization and helped pack 62,000 meals to be sent overseas. It was a truly fun and rewarding experience. We are looking forward to the spring events and camps that 4-H has to offer!

Wild Clovers
The Wild Clovers are gearing up for our upcoming events. This month, we hosted Camping 101 and got the kids interested in our upcoming camping trip which will take place in June! We learned how to pack, what essentials we should have, how to plan and even what food to bring. Our Leaders did some outreach to two clubs this month (Sunset Branch & Cypress Heart and Hands) where they taught about sunflowers. They did a lesson about the flower life cycle, parts of the plant and how to care for their very own sunflower. Each kid got to take home their own sunflower to grow and plant in their yard! Next month, we are discussing navigation, hiking, and basic first aid!

If you are interested in joinig us, our meeting will be April 10th (6:30-8:00) at the REC building. As always, you can contact us through the SportsYou app (QR code is on flyer in newsletter).

Hollymount – Francesca Joella, Reporter
Our March 2023 meeting was held on March 9th, 2023. We sang some great songs, and played ships and sailors to start our meeting off! After we finished, we made our way over to discuss new business and old business. Once our meeting concluded, it was time for a craft! We made recycled tote bags to bring to the grocery store (or wherever!) out of old animal feed bags. They are awesome as is, and even better that they’re recycled! Our next meeting will be held in April.

Bridgeville Mustangs – Cole Carpenter, Reporter
March 9th was our March meeting. President, Paige Taylor, called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Lillie Bradley gave the Secretary Report. Juliette Anger gave the Treasurer Report. The song was led by Brooke Taylor & Juliette Exploring 4-H’ers talked about their treasure boxes. A health report was given by way of a flyer with Facts about Drug Facts Month and included a word find page. Members wore purple in honor of Drug Facts Month. We had a healthy activity to go along with our healthy snack of vegetables and water. Members spoke about events they had attended including Links to Leadership, Favorite Foods, Judging contests, & State Teen Conference. Mustang members look forward to upcoming events such as Fair Fest and Jr. Leader Weekend. At the conclusion of our meeting, members were invited to join a paint night where they were instructed how to paint a cute Easter Bunny that they could enter in the Fair by a special guest Art Teacher. Great job Mustangs!

Junior Council – Cole Carpenter, Reporter
At the February meeting members signed up to help with Favorite Foods and Public Speaking Contests. Members spoke about what dishes they planned to make during Favorite Foods and what topic they were speaking about at the Public Speaking Contest. As a service project, members made home made Valentines Cards to distribute at a local Nursing home to cheer residents for the Valentines holiday. The March meeting started with members speaking about events such as State Teen Conference, Favorite Foods, and Links to Leadership. Due to a technical glitch, Reid & Carter Bradley assisted with presenting a power point to honor National Drug Facts Month. The Junior council members joined in an endurance game attempting to keep their balloon in the air without using their hands. They also participated in a team building exercise using link arms and a hula hoop they had to pass the hula hoop without breaking the linked arms. Members planned an Easter party to celebrate Spring Break for April’s meeting which will also include a team building exercise and fellowship.

Life Smarts Report – Eddie Noon
The Country Clovers 4-H Club went up against the Bridgeville Mustangs/Stateline 4-H Club to determine who would represent Delaware in the upcoming National Life Smarts Tournament. It was a long battle, with the Country Clovers being behind by a small margin for most of the competition. The Bridgeville Mustangs/Stateline were quick to the buzzer, but the Country Clovers were able to come back. Kaitlyn Johnson led our team as the captain and contributed the greatest in the victory. Congratulations to Kaitlyn, Bryan, Reagan, and Eddie for being able to advance into the National Tournament.