Club Updates: November 2022

Hollymount – Francesca Joella, Reporter
Our meeting for this month was held on October 6, 2022. We began by meeting at Conley’s Chapel Cemetery to help clean up old decorations. Once we finished, the cemetery looked very nice and neat; just remaining with its fall decorations. After, we headed back to Conley’s Fellowship Hall for our business meeting. There, we had a pizza party! It was very delicious. Once everyone was finished eating, we had our traditional songs to kick the meeting off. They were very energetic, with some of our favorites being sung! After we concluded the songs, we moved on to the actual business meeting. To start off, awards were given out to whomever couldn’t attend the Achievement Banquet. Congratulations to all who received awards! Then we moved on to old and new business. As for old business, re-enrollment is now open. If you have not yet re-enrolled, please go to 4-H Online. You must be registered by November 1, 2022. As for the highlights of new business, the Pumpkin Contest will be held on October 22, 2022 at the Carvel Center. Entry rules are in the newsletter. This is an extremely fun event! We also discussed carving pumpkins for the Cape Fantasy Trail, and the Spaghetti Dinner. To wrap-up the night, we made posters of What Green Means to Me! The 4-H pledge was printed on sheets of paper that we could use to put anywhere on the poster, along with our handprints in green paint. It was great to get creative with!  All in all, the October meeting was extremely fun and packed with loads of great things to do.

Harbor Lights – Gianna Nagle, Reporter
The Harbor Lights 4-H club held its monthly meeting on October 20th at Old Paths Church of Christ. The evening kicked off with the kids gathering for a game of kickball. Once in the building, we discussed old news, such as the Club Officer Workshop, and were flabbergasted over the monumental mountain of debris collected from the roadside for the Adopt a Highway clean-up. Club members look forward to upcoming events like the Haunted Trail and Pumpkin Contest, the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser, and the Fall Social for Teens. We were excited to commemorate the many members who received awards and pins from the Sussex County 4-H Achievement Event celebration. Finally, the creativity among the club members is swirling as they prepare for the comedic spin on the biblical Christmas Story play. We also enjoyed a fall-inspired healthy-ish snack. Join us for our next meeting on November 17!

Sunset Branch – Demetreus Moutzalias, Reporter
At the Sunset Branch 4-H club meeting on October 2nd, we did many things. First, we did the Pledge of Allegiance and then the 4-H pledge. After that we went over the monthly reports and then dismissed the Cloverbuds to do an activity. For our community service activity at this meeting, we collected over 150 pairs of socks to donate. After the new business was discussed, anyone that was of age could sign up to hold a certain office for our club. Our new club officers are as follows: President – Alison, Vice President – Quinton, Secretary – Kieran, Treasurer – Murphy, Reporter -Demetreus, Correspondence Secretary – Kylee, and Community Service Chair – Hanna. Once this was done, the activity we had was we had to create an island with a certain amount of items that we would be able to survive with. We were placed into groups to complete this activity which was meant for team building and leadership skills and to get to know each other.

Seaford Blue Jays – Olivia Shultie, Reporter
The Seaford Blue Jays met on September 14 at the American Legion. We welcomed two new members, Jai and Logan. President Seth led the meeting, we introduced singing a camp song at the beginning of meetings after pledges. We worked on our window display that was placed in Tractor Supply. Everyone made hands for the theme “Opportunity4All” and contributed words of what 4-H means to them for the word cloud clover.  We discussed a basket theme for the Spaghetti dinner, Game Night was chosen. We had a healthy snack of carrots and celery with water to drink.

We had installation of officers at our October 4-H meeting. Our 2022-2023 officers are as follows:

President-Seth Genshaw

Vice President- Caydance Means

Treasurer-Janet Shultie

Secretary-Ivy Genshaw

Reporter-Olivia Shultie

Immediate Past President-Jake Shultie

Our leader passed out awards received and project books. Some of our Junior Leaders will be helping with the Pumpkin Contest: Caydance, Embrey, and Janet. Stateline invited us to help with the Apple-Scrapple fundraiser. We made wooden pumpkin ornaments for our club craft led by Olivia. Jai provided the snack and water. We welcomed two new members during this meeting, Andrew and Lillian.


Lord Baltimore – Cassidy White, Reporter
Lord Baltimore Helping Hands 4-H Club held its monthly meeting on October 10, 2022. The meeting began with the American pledge and the 4-H pledge. Next was the old business including the window display and the achievement ceremony. We then discussed upcoming events such as Dagsboro Night Out, the Pumpkin Contest, Spaghetti Dinner, and community service opportunities. From there we did our physical activity of yoga and stretches. To finish the meeting, we did our Meals on Wheels activity of making ghost tray favors while discussing other 4-H notes like the Paper Clover at Tractor Supply and the Diamond Clover. This concluded the October club meeting.

On October 11, our club set up a booth to promote 4-H at Dagsboro Night out. The booth had a wheel that people could spin to get fun facts about 4-H given to them, a place to roll die to win a prize, and of course, Chris Clover. We had over 65 people and families interested in learning and joining 4-H by the night’s end. This quick and fun event can be deemed successful by showing the great opportunities 4-H has and what joy can be shared through it.

Clover Knights – Tori Millman, Reporter
The Clover Knights have been busy these past few months!  In August, we elected new club officers for 2022-23 year.  The new officers are: President- Rebekah Sullivan, Vice President-Waylon Warner, Treasurer-Wyatt Warner, Club Reporter-Tori Millman, Health & Safety Co-Chairs-Amanda Millman & Ashlyn Elliott, Recreation Leader-Brooke Elliott.  For our September meeting we visited Redden state Forest for a Nature Talk & Walk hosted by the Warner Family.  We were able to check out the educational center where we saw lots of neat, interesting nature stuff.  And then, we went for a nature walk.  It was nice having 4-H members from Hollymount and Lord Baltimore join us for this field trip.  Our October meeting was hosted by Mrs. Amanda, and she had a fun Fall craft for us to make.  Members made a candle holder using a mason jar.  They could choose to decorate it as a candy corn or with leaves.  Once they finished decorating it she gave them a tealight to put in their jar and light it up.  These jars can be entered in the State Fair, and then gifted to someone after fair.  Also at the October meeting, members received their year pins and awards were also handed out for those that could not attend the Achievement Banquet.  Congrats to all our members that received awards!

Cypress Heart and Hands:
The Cypress Heart and Hands members had a busy month. For our tray favors, we made little ghost cones. At our club meeting, we went over two 4-H songs and played Halloween freeze dance. Our leaders visited the nursing home to play bingo with the residents and made it a fun fall night. At our community service night, we will be packing chemo bags and counting all the socks we collected for Socktober! Thank you to all those who donated!

Wild Clovers Outdoor Club:
The Wild Clovers this month learned all about native and invasive plants within Delaware. We had Tracy Wooten as an expert guest speaker, and she gave us an up close and personal tour of the gardens located behind the Carvel building. On our nature walk this month, members took an adventurous hike around Trap Pond State Park! We identified and collected native leaves for a state fair project. Next month, our focus is on Bicycle Safety! Our indoor meeting is pushed back to November 21st, so mark your calendars.