Club News: October 2022

Sussex 4-H Jr. Council – Cole Carpenter, Reporter
Sussex County Jr. Council started the new year off with their first meeting on September 12th at Old Path’s Church. Kyle Kerr led an Ice Breaker to introduce & welcome new Jr Council members from Harbor Lights & Bridgeville Mustangs to the meeting. New officers were announced so they could start their new roles. CONGRATULATIONS: President: Kyle Kerr – Vice President: Carter Bradley – Secretary: Ainsley West – Treasurer: Ashlyn Elliott – Reporter: Cole Carpenter We also added Co-Photographers: Juliette Anger & Abby VanVorst & Co-Health Chairs: Rachel O’Day & Hannah Ritter. Planning committees were formed for upcoming events such as the Achievement Banquet on September 24th and the Haunted Trail during the Pumpkin Contest on October 22nd. (Any Jr. Leaders who would like to help with these events please contact Jill Jackson or any Jr. Council member for more info). All members are excited to promote 4-H in their schools, churches, and communities during National 4-H Week – October 2-8.

Next Meeting – Monday, October 3 – ALL Sussex County Jr. Leaders are WELCOME to attend!!

Harbor Lights – Abigail Cunningham, Reporter
The meeting of the Harbor lights 4-H club last met on Thursday, September 15th at Old Paths Church of Christ. We first had our meeting. Then we elected new officers. Congratulations to our new president Sophia Montag! After that, we read a script for a Christmas play and we casted it. We’re news casting the biblical Christmas story. It’s going to be pretty funny. We also had a fall themed snack and it was mostly healthy. Our next meeting is scheduled on October 20th at Old Paths Church of Christ.

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter

This month’s 4-H meeting marked our first meeting of the new 4-H year. Hollymount began it with some time of singing and dancing, as well as teaching some of our favorite songs to our new members. Once that concluded, it was time for the business meeting! We discussed old business, such as the State Fair; and new business, such as the upcoming Achievement Banquet, our Beach Clean Up, the Pumpkin Contest, and the Spaghetti Dinner. We were also introduced to our officers and met all of our new members! Next, we did a few ice breakers. First, we played a game where a member would tell the group something they enjoy, and new groups would form based on who also enjoyed that topic. It was a great way to meet people who share our interests! Next, we went around our circle and each added a line to make a story. Finally, we split into teams, and the first team leader to bring a requested item to the center won a point for their team. In all, this meeting was a fun way to meet new members and see old members again! 

Cypress Heart and Hands

The kids in the Cypress Heart and Hands are off to a great 4-H year! This month we made 120 sunflower cards as our tray favors for our local nursing home. During our monthly club meeting, we got reacquainted with one another and played a fun ice breaker using dice. We enjoyed some dehydrated apple chips to get us in the fall spirit. Our long-awaited trip to the nursing home for bingo was a success and our kids enjoyed seeing all the residents again! Our window display committee worked hard to put together a lovely display illustrating the overall theme ‘opportunity for all.’ Cypress is looking forward to our community service for this month for the Delaware Humane Association making dog and cat toys and treats.

Wild Clovers Outdoor Club
The Wild Clovers are excited for this upcoming year and seeing all the new members who have a passion for the great outdoors! During our first ever meeting, we discussed our intentions for the new year and held introductions for the members and leaders. After the meeting, the attendees made their own delicious trail mix. Some of our leaders attended the Trap Pond Nature Festival and reported having a fun and informative experience. The Wild Clovers would like to remind everyone that our club meetings are usually the second Tuesday of every month (our next one being 10/10/22).