Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter
For our May meeting, we again began it with our usual singing and dancing. Once that concluded, it was time to begin our business meeting. We talked about old business, like Favorite Foods, Animal Science Fay, and Legislative Day, and new business, such as the Links Spring Fair, State Camp, and the State Fair. Once that concluded, we split into groups. One group watched a wildlife judging workshop, one group was given piping lessons, and another worked on a craft. For the craft, we made informative posters about different branches of the military. When it was time to learn how to pipe, we each were given a piping bag of icing and practiced making designs such as letters, arches, and basket patterns. In all, the activities we did during this meeting were very interesting, and it was great to see how creative our members are!
Sunset Branch – Talia Moutzalias, Reporter
At this month’s 4-H meeting we went to an alpaca farm. Two very nice ladies were our guides and started off with showing us different things they make with alpaca hair and how it gets turned into different items. Next, we looked at the female alpacas along with the younger alpacas. The women told us facts about the alpacas and how to take care of them. Then, we went over to where the male alpacas are and the teen males. The women told us when breeding they try to breed for more fine fibers as a result of softer and better products. Lastly, they showed us their dogs which they told us are used to keep away predators. I feel everybody had a great time and we all learned a lot.
Dublin Hill – Logan Jackson, Reporter
The May meeting started at 6:30 pm at the Bridgeville Fire Hall. We started by making a rubber stamp bookmark and a stencil craft. Next, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. First, we discussed old business such as Younger Member Weekend and Favorite Foods. Congratulations to many of our members who received awards at Favorite Foods! We also talked about new business such as Day Camps and State Camp. The older members who had been to camps shared their camp experiences with the younger kids who might be going for the first time. The meeting was adjourned with a snack at 8:00 pm. We also talked about many of the Fair entries we have made in our club this year. Our next meeting will be held on June 9 when we will clean up our Adopt-A-Highway road and then have a summer pool party and cookout at the Allen’s home. Have a good summer!
Lord Baltimore – Cassidy White, Reporter
Lord Baltimore Helping Hands met on Saturday, May 7, 2022. We began the meeting with attendance, the American pledge, and the 4-H pledge. Then we discussed old business such as judging contests and the litter barrel we made last month. After the old business came the new business like the Spring Fair on May 21st, summer day camps, and the State Fair. We then completed our service project of the month, decorating lollipops as flowers by using styled cup liners and placing them around the lollipops as petals. Finally, we planned a date for a day to make multiple crafts.
For our craft day, we met on Friday, May 13th, at 5 pm. The first craft we did was make two pieces each of marbled paper with shaving cream and food coloring. The second craft was a beaded article that could either be a sun catcher or a key chain made by placing beads in a circular design and melting them in the oven. The final activity for the night was making small wreaths with silk materials. This concluded the meetings for the Lord Baltimore Helping Hands 4-H club.
Seaford Blue Jays – Olivia Shultie, Reporter
Our May Club meeting was held at the American Legion. President Seth presented the American Legion with a donation from the Seaford Blue Jays 4-H Club. Our club health advisors, Embry and Paloma, led the club in a dance memory game. Janet and Olivia participated in Favorite Foods and the demonstration contest. Olivia shared her experience from Younger Member Weekend. Members signed up to water the flowers at Lofland Center through the summer. Caydance and Embrey led the club in making a clay coaster. We had a great time painting and decorating our coasters!
The Seaford Blue Jays 4-H Club met on May 15th to plant flowers for Lofland Center and deliver the wind chimes we made. We met at the Callaway home to prepare the flower boxes. We delivered the wind chimes to Lofland Park Center and the Manor House both in Seaford. Our club also met on May 21st at the American Legion to place flags at the cemeteries for Memorial Day.