Sussex 4-H Younger Member Weekend 2022 Recap

On Saturday, April 23, twenty-two campers were welcomed to “The Jungle” at Cape Henlopen State Park where they participated in the 48th annual Younger Member Weekend!  Campers gathered for registration where they were greeted by the Lion, Kyle Kerr and the Tiger, Carter Bradley.  The Frog, Giraffe, Monkey and Sloth people proceeded to dorms where they were greeted by their Voice and Echo leaders as well as the Anacondas – class teachers for the weekend.  After orientation and icebreakers, groups rotated to four educational and fun classes.   Group themed crafts were made; Science class learned how to make seed bombs to plant wildflowers, Recreation Class included fun and interactive sports; and Community Service class made kindness rocks and cards for soldiers.  There was time for free recreation and relaxing. After a delicious dinner prepared by chaperones and leaders, the groups headed to the Jungle (Council Circle) and later the Dance/Party.  Campers enjoyed dancing and spending time with new friends and yummy snacks!  After reflections of the day, campers returned to the dorms and preparation for bed.

On Sunday, campers packed gear, cleaned the dorms and headed to breakfast.  Chaperones again had done a great job with the meal preparation.   Everyone enjoyed breakfast and morning reflections.  After a scavenger hunt and games, parents arrived to transport campers home.

Special thanks to: Lion (One Voice):  Kyle Kerr and Tiger (song leader):  Carter Bradley, Group Leaders:  Frogs, Cole Carpenter and Ruby DiSabatino, Giraffes, Alyssa Carpenter and Austin Jewell, Monkeys, Diamond Carmona and Bailey Fletcher and Sloths, Dakota Carmona and Ashley Adams; Craft Class: Ashley Adams and Abby VanVorst; Recreation:  Sam Gossett; Science Class: Ryleigh Archer and Bailey Fletcher;  Community Service:  Ruby DiSabatino and Kaitlyn Johnson;  Chaperones:  Jodie Gravenor, Gina Anger, Neil Anger, Stan Bradley, Garan Callaway, Kathy DiSabatino, Dave Hale, Heather Marquez, Kaleb Scott and Jill Jackson. Everyone involved in the planning and implementation of this weekend should be proud of a job well done.  It was an exciting weekend for all! Photos can be found on the Delaware 4-H Flickr site!