Club News: May 2022

Sunset Branch – Talia Moutzalias, Reporter
On Sunday, April 10 we had our 4-H meeting which we started off with a small business meeting and updates. At today’s meeting we brought in crayons to donate to The Crayon Initiative which is an organization that gives free repurposed crayons to children in hospitals along with reducing crayon waste. We also did a team activity “escape room.” We had to cut out and build different things to figure out codes to locks. We had three challenges that needed to be done within 1 hour or we would metaphorically be crushedby the walls around us. In order to get the puzzle done you had to work together and see fromother people’s points of view how to solve the riddles and mazes to get out. We had cards for hints and if we needed help we could cut out a specific card and get hints from our 4-H leader.While the older kids were doing that the clover buds were doing a puzzle of their own. They had to solve different riddles with answers that they would find in the surrounding area. Overall, this meeting was a success, we had fun, and we worked on team building skills.

Dublin Hill – Logan Jackson, Reporter
Our meeting was held on April 14 at the Bridgeville Fire Hall.  We discussed upcoming events such as Demonstrations, Younger Member Weekend and Judging Contests.  Upcoming club events will include our annual adopt a highway trach pick up and end of the year gathering at the Allen’s home.  On Friday, April 15, many of our club members met at the Marquez’s home for a Fair craft day.  We made five different crafts for the Delaware State Fair.  These included:  tin punch, 6 homemade ornaments, beaded article, paper craft and tie dye article.  We had lots of fun being together and getting things ready for the Fair!  Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 12.

Lord Baltimore – Marshall Herring, Reporter
The April meeting was held on Apr 10, 2022 .  Wyatt led the Pledge of Allegiance and Marshall led the   4-H Pledge.  The minutes were read by Ms. Kathy.  Under old business, we had 4 of our 6 members participate in the favorite foods competition. Ruby entered a ham and cheese braid as an older member.  Wyatt entered cookies as a beginner member and Wren and West entered cookies as Cloverbuds.  We are still waiting for results from the contest.  Under new business, there is the Science Trip, Legislative Day, Equine Art Contest, and Younger Members Weekend to look forward to doing. There is sign-up for Spring Fair and State Fair as well.  For the physical activity, Ruby ran the “Gone Camping” activity from the Jr. Council meeting.  We made rainbows for our Meals-on-Wheels tray favors. And we signed and sent a Thank you card to the Brandywine SPCA for the tour that we went on in March.  And we are participating in the Litter Barrel contest and have started on the painting of it.  It will be placed in Evans Park in Millville. Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, May 7th at 2 pm and we will have a craft night on Friday, May 13th.

*Adendum for February Report: The February meeting was held on February 12, 2022. Wyatt led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ruby led us in the 4-H Pledge. And Marshall read the minutes of the last meeting. Old business was about the Public Speaking event that took place in January. Wren participated and we were very proud of her for that. For new business, the Winter Fun Day, Favorite Foods, and Judging Contests have all been rescheduled for future dates. We took time to fill in our Dog Project Books. We made Valentine’s Day tray favors for Meals on Wheels. And we made a Valentine’s Heart wreath to turn into the State Fair. And finally, we participated in soccer exercise drills for the physical activity.


Seaford Blue Jays – Olivia Shultie, Reporter
The Seaford Blue Jays 4-H Club met on April 3 to paint our club litter barrel and paint our wind chimes for nursing homes. We met at the Callaway residence and enjoyed spending time together working on refreshing our litter barrel which will be placed at the Jay’s Nest Park with the picnic tables we donated a previous year. Our wind chimes will be assembled and taken to Lofland Park Center and the Manor House both in Seaford.

Our April Club meeting was held at the American Legion. Our club health advisors, Embry and Paloma, led the club in a healthy foods game. Grayson and Jayda attended Winter Fun day and Ivy, Janet, Caydance and Zipporah volunteered as leaders at the event. Janet and Olivia participated in Favorite Foods. President Seth reminded us of upcoming in person events like the demonstration contest, Legislative Day, and Link’s Spring Fair. Seth and Ivy led the club in making a Blue Jay nest craft and planting seeds in an ice cream cone to attract butterflies and birds.