Agent Letter: April 2022

Dear 4-H Families,

Happy Spring!  Although the weather has had different plans, flowers and trees have started to bloom and it has been good to see some sunshine.  A few special and unique celebrations during this month include:  April Fool’s Day, Easter, Children’s Book Day, World Health Day, National Jelly Bean Day, National Volunteer Week, Earth Day and Administrative Professional’s Day.

In March, members took part in Winter Fun Day and State Teen Conference as well as planning and preparing for upcoming 4-H spring events!

Thank you to the clubs who submitted a club report this month, please keep them coming!  Be sure to submit your club news to Kaleb or myself by the 25th of each month.  Include a fun activity, projects completed, and photos of your club in action.  We love to see and share what each club is doing!

April will be busy with Sussex 4-H events including:  Favorite Foods, Judging Contests, Demonstrations, Younger Member Weekend and club meetings!

Looking forward to seeing you at the next 4-H event!

Yours in 4-H,
Jill Jackson
Extension Educator, 4-H