RENEW Essay Contest for High School Students

RENEW ESSAY CONTEST – Register to participate before May 15

The RENEW essay contest for Delaware’s high school students is a platform for them to reflect, in writing, on climate change and environmental justice.

Topic:  Participants will learn the specific topic of their essays when they log in on the contest day.  It will be related to climate change and environmental justice.

How:  Students will choose one of three contest dates, log in and will have 90 minutes to write their essays in the space provided on the website.  The essay must be original and solely the contestant’s work with a maximum of 1,000 words.

Awards:  Three top essays in each of the three counties:
$1,000, $750, and $500.

The top essay in Delaware will win $2,000.

See RENEW essay contest flyer for more information!