Club News: March 2022

Sunset Branch – Talia Moutzalias, Reporter
At this month’s 4-H meeting we did different crafts and saw a presentation created by one of our club members.  The first thing we dis was the pledges and business meeting.  We then split up into our groups to do the different activities.  Next, my group started with the bunny presentation.  Sedona presented her slides about what a bunny eats and what you need to take care of one, so we could do a worksheet she created.  The reason we did this is because the charity we donated to was a rabbit shelter.  Then we went and created pine cone bird feeders.  These were fun and entertaining to make.  Once we were done we got to pet the rabbits and Mrs. Dana explained to us about bird seed and the vitamins and minerals that are good for the birds.  Lastly, we did nail art.  We all got our piece of wood with semi done holes in the shape of hearts for Valentine’s Day.  When we were done nailing the holes we wrapped string around it and if we wanted we could write things at the bottom.  Overall, it was a very packed, educational and fun 4-H meeting.

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter
We began our February meeting with singing, dancing, and games. Once that section concluded, it was time to begin our business meeting. We discussed old business, like the financial literacy class and winter fun day, and new business, like our beach grass planting day. We then watched as our members who participated in the public speaking contest were given their awards- and what a large group of participants we had! It was so interesting to hear about everybody’s topics, and I can tell everyone did an amazing job. Once our business meeting concluded, we split into groups; our Cloverbuds made a craft, and our other members learned about community service in our project books. Afterward, we made fun snail tray favors for Meals on Wheels. This was definitely a creative and informative meeting!

Dublin Hill – Logan Jackson, Reporter
At our February 10 meeting, we met early to make heart shaped wreaths by hot-gluing different shades of pink foam roses onto a metal heart frame.  This activity was led by Mrs. Marquez and Ella.  The club meeting started at 7:07 pm at the Bridgeville Fire Hall.  The pledges were led by Maddie and Reagan.  Next, we talked about old business, which included the Public Speaking Contest.  I also thanked everyone for helping clean up the wreaths at the cemetery and asked them to keep asking for wreath donations for next year.  We also talked about new business and upcoming events like Winter Fun Day, Favorite Foods, State Teen Conference, Demonstration Contest and State Camp.  Last, we decided on a community service project for next month.  We will be making thank you bags for the Greenwood and Bridgeville Police Departments.  Our next meeting will be held on March 10.