Healthy Vegetables and Fruits We Should All Eat












·      Radishes have been around since the 1500s

·      Great low-calorie snack; 1 cup = 19 calories

·      Members of the Brassicaceae family, related to kale and broccoli

·      California and Florida are biggest radish growers

·      Seven million tons of radishes are produced every year

·      Several varieties are available year-round

·      Harvested before they flower

·      Adds a tasty crunch to salads

·      Great fresh, juiced, or sauteed

·      Good source of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6, and calcium

·      Natural antioxidant to increase immunity of the body


Swiss Chard








·      Also known as silver beet, spinach beet, chard, or Roman kale

·      Cooking the swiss chard will remove the bitterness but it can be eaten raw

·      Most popular in Mediterranean countries

·      Can grow to 28 inches high

·      Excellent source of vitamin K that helps support vision, heart, and lung health

·      Helps to regulate blood sugar levels, prevent various cancers, improve digestion, and reduce fever and inflammation

·      Swiss Chard has a large amount of beta carotene which is linked to healthy eyes















  •  Available fresh, frozen, canned, and juiced

·      Carrots are a common vegetable throughout the world

·      There are over 100 species of carrots

·      87% of a carrot is water

·      Good source of vitamin A, important for normal vision and the immune system

·      Has a high fiber content that can assist with digestion and protects against diverticular disease

·      Contain medical properties that repair damaged cells, maintain health of the skin, cure eye disease, and regulate blood pressure













·      Can be boiled, roasted, or used in juices

·      Betacyanin which gives beetroot the color, is an antioxidant that helps with the immune system

·      Contains betaine which helps relax the mind and helps to suppress depression symptoms

·      Highest sugar content of any vegetable

·      Low in sodium which helps to reduce the risk of high blood pressure

·      The entire plant is edible, from the tips of the leaves to the roots

·      High levels of unique antioxidants and anti-inflammatory contribute to a reduction in the risk of many types of cancers







·      Available fresh and frozen

·      Packed with antioxidants and other nutrients which helps lower the risk of cancers

·      Full of Vitamin A and K that helps the immune system, bone metabolism, and regulating blood clotting

·      Harvested after the first frost to ensure that some starches have turned into sugars

·      Contains lutein, a nutrient that helps create the plant’s color and keeps eyes healthy

·      Good source of fiber

·      Kale is a good source of minerals such as calcium needed for bone health, muscle contractions, and hormone regulation


Winter Squash



·      Varieties include pumpkin, spaghetti, acorn, and butternut

·      Good source of Vitamin C

·      Healthy source of fiber

·      Contain polysaccharides that help regulate blood sugar

·      Seeds can be prepared the same way as pumpkin seeds

·      Full of magnesium and potassium to build strong bones and muscle function

·      Certain compounds in squash like beta-carotene and lutein help to protect human cells from the damaging effects of oxygen




·      Avocados are high in potassium, which should support healthy blood pressure levels

·      California produces 90% of the U.S. crop

·      Taste and texture depend on the region their grow from

·      Great addition to breakfast meals, side dishes, or entrée topping

·      Try substituting an avocado for mayonnaise, when massed, it can provide a creamy texture to any dish

·      Ripen an avocado by placing it in a brown paper bag with a banana

·      Naturally sugar-free and sodium-free which help reduce the risk of high blood pressure





·      Available fresh, canned, and juiced

·      Great source of vitamin C which helps maintain healthy skin, bones, and teeth

·      High in vitamin A which helps maintain the immune system

·      One of the lowest-calorie fruits

·      Contains few calories but lots of water which helps with weight loss

·      Grapefruit may help reduce insulin resistance, which may lower the risk of developing diabetes

·      Many types of antioxidants that help prevent the development of some chronic conditions









·      Great source of vitamin C and vitamin A important for normal vision and the immune system

·      Tangerine peel contains antioxidant, called tangeretin that helps to lower cholesterol

·      Contains collagen that will prevent and treat skin damage caused by sun exposure

·      High in fiber which helps to lose weight

·      Antioxidants protect brain cells from the damage associated with schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

·      Versatile fruit – can be added to numerous dishes from breakfasts to desserts and cocktails




·      Kiwi offers a range of nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, folate, copper, and potassium

·      Skin and seeds are edible

·      50 different varieties with flesh ranging from custard-like gold to bright pink

·      High amount of vitamin C and antioxidants can help control symptoms of asthma

·      Kiwi has an enzyme, actinidin, which can effectively break down proteins in the gut, improving digestion

·      Contains lutein an essential nutrient in vision health

·      Originated from China and was originally called the “Chinese Gooseberry”