Club News: November 2021

Harbor Lights – Abby Cunningham, Reporter
The Harbor Lights 4H club met on September 30 at Old Paths Church of Christ. It was our first meeting. We welcomed three new families that are interested in joining our club. Our club leader gave each member a folder that had information about 4H to help the new families understand the process of 4-H. Our project this year will be doing service projects. For our first project we made brownies for the Shephard’s office, a non-profit organization in Georgetown that feeds hungry Veterans. After we made the brownies we did a name game. Then we elected officers. We had a great first meeting.

Seaford Blue Jays – Olivia Shultie, Reporter
The club members met to make our window display that was placed in Tractor Supply. Our club was invited by Stateline 4-H Club to participate in a fundraiser selling hotdogs at Apple-Scrapple. Eleven members of our club enjoyed a day at Longwood Gardens learning about horticulture.

We had installation of officers at our 4-H meeting. Our 2021-2022 officers are as follows:

President-Seth Genshaw
Vice President- Caydance Means
Treasurer-Janet Shultie
Secretary-Ivy Genshaw
Reporter-Olivia Shultie
Health Advisors-Embrey Means & Paloma Rolph
Immediate Past President-Jake Shultie

We made birds on a line using sticks and clothes pins for our club craft. For our health activity we played flashlight tag. We welcomed one new member during this meeting. Several members are attending Jr. Council and they provided an update on the upcoming Pumpkin Contest.

Sussex 4-H Jr. Council – Austin Jewell, Reporter
Our group met together on Monday October 4. We started by introducing ourselves. We discussed Old Business like the achievement banquet and New Business like the workshops coming up. Our main focus was discussing and planning the exciting Haunted Trail which will be a circus theme. I also encouraged everyone to attend Apple Scrapple and support my local club. Our next meeting is November 1st for any members 13 and over who would like to join us.

Dublin Hill – Logan Jackson, Reporter

The October meeting was held on October 14 at the Bridgeville Fire Hall.  During our business meeting, we discussed many upcoming events, including the Pumpkin Contest.  We also made Halloween Safety posters.  The officers led us in a fun health activity where we each had to call out our favorite exercise and everyone had to do it.  Some of our members also wore purple for DE Goes Purple month!  After the meeting was adjourned, the Bridgeville Fire Company taught us about Fire Safety.  We learned about finding clear exits in your home when there is a fire and other members were able to spray a fire hose. Thank you to the fire men and women who spent time teaching us fire safety!

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – Marshall Herring, Reporter

The October meeting was held on October 9, 2021. Wyatt led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Cassidy led us in the 4 H Pledge. Wyatt took attendance while Cassidy read the minutes of last
month. Old business was discussion of the Achievement Banquet. Ruby won several awards for all of her hard work through last year. Miss Kathy won a special 4 H award as well. Under
new business, we learned that we won the window display contest for Sussex County! Very exciting news! The Pumpkin Contest is coming up on October 23, 2021 and will be held at the
Redden Lodge. In addition, there will be an opportunity to attend an Animal Science Workshop for dogs in person or zoom on November 7, 2021 at the Archer House. We also discussed the
group participating in Stockings for Soldiers. For our healthy activity, Cassidy led the group in Simon Says and a game that gives you exercises to do according to the letters in your name.
Notes from Miss Kathy and Miss Carlene were about our future projects on the calendar for our Dog project and leadership opportunities ahead. We participated in two dog activities during the meeting. First, we watched an AKC video on dog safety and communication. Everyone shared something that they learned from the video. Then we discovered the different breeds of our own dogs and what group that each breed is in. For our craft, we made Mummy candle votive that we will be able to use for a craft for the State Fair, as well. Finally, we made scarecrows for the tray favors for Meals on Wheels. Our next meeting will be held on November 14, 2021.

Clover Knights – Tori Millman, Reporter

The Clover Knights have had a busy October.  We started the month off by closing out our mums fundraiser, which was a huge success this year. Our members sold a total of 299 items.  Congrats to our Top 5 Sellers for this fundraiser.  Tori MIllman, Roxie Robinson, Kasyn/Kaytin Thomas, Wyatt/Waylon Warner, and Braelyn Hellens.  And thank you to everyone that sold mums.

For our service project this month we made Halloween goodie bags filled with candy to give to the nurses/staff at Beebe Tunnell Cancer Center and Beebe South Coastal Cancer Center, as well as for People’s Place for some of their community outreach programs.  Our members made a total of 200 bags and they were all delivered the week before Halloween.  We still have a couple families filling more goodie bags that will be getting delivered to Bayhealth Hospital in Milford. Now onto the exciting things happening in November.  Have a great month!

115 bags delivered to Beebe Tunnell Cancer Center and Beebe South Coastal Cancer Center.

100 bags delivered to People’s Place in Milford for their community outreach programs.