Lucky Leaf – Meredith Timmons, Reporter
The May meeting for the Lucky Leaf 4-H club was held on May 6th 2021. McKenzie, our president, called the meeting to order. There were 10 members and clovers that attended the meeting. Lauren led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Ashley led the 4-H pledge. Elise, our secretary took attendance and the question was asked to respond “What your favorite sport is?” Murphy gave the treasure’s report. Some old business that was covered in this meeting was the county demonstration update by Lauren and Murphy, and we found a spot for the club litter barrel which will be at State Street Park in Delmar. Some new business that was covered in this meeting was the Links Fair in Lewis, and the State Fair registration deadline is June 1st. Elise and Ashley adjourned the meeting and Murphy gave her demonstration: Composing Better Photos. We also painted ceramic rain boots to place flowers in for Mother’s Day.