Club News: April 2021

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter
Hollymount began its March meeting by discussing old business, like Winter Fun Day, and new business, like the County Sewing Workshop and State Camp. We also talked about the upcoming Food Judging Training and Junior Leader day. Once our business meeting concluded, we were given two lessons on how to make desserts and snacks! Before the meeting started, our members prepared their ingredients with helpful instructions. Once we began the lessons, it was very easy to follow along with the members teaching us. We learned how to make an Oreo ice cream cake and no bake apple donuts, which were both delicious! I know I will definitely be making these foods again. This was definitely a fun and interactive meeting!

Lord Baltimore Helping Hands – Ruby DiSabatino, Reporter
      Our meeting began with Marshall leading the American pledge, and Jax leading the 4H pledge. Then, we had our second workshop with Maureen Ernst, about financial literacy. She spoke to us about being wise shoppers, by doing comparison shopping, and finding the best deals. We also talked about what makes American Money, American Money. Such as, we looked at the certain things of dollars that prove they’re real. The watermark, finding raised printing, and other facts about American dollars.

When we began our regular meeting, Ms. Kathy surprised us with a special guest: Carlene Jones! Since Covid started, we haven’t been able to see her on zoom, so her daughter set her up on an iPad so she could join. We went over old business and talked about the pollinators workshop put on by Kaitlyn and Madison Johnson. Both me and Cassidy talked about what we found interesting, and then Ms. Kathy went on with new business. We told the kids about the judging contest, younger member weekend (because most of our kids are eligible), spring fun day, junior leader day, and much more. Cassidy led the physical activity, and we all planked for a minute straight! Then, I put on a Kahoot for everyone to do about first aid, to help with both my leadership, and first aid projects. Jax won the Kahoot, and then we moved on to our community service craft. We made little leprechauns out of paper, as well as a little card to go with it. We adjourned our meeting and said goodbye.  Our next meeting is going to be held on April 11th, and we are hoping to be able to do it in person.

Cassidy leads our physical activity – planks

Miss Maureen showed us some interesting facts about the US currency

Country Clovers – Sophie Noon, Reporter
Did you know that bees can boogie? It is actually how they communicate with each other. This Wednesday February 24, the Country Clovers had a Zoom meeting talking about pollinators. We were given a presentation from the Pollinator Ambassadors of our group, Madison and Kaitlyn Johnson. They presented to members a PowerPoint on the different pollinators, what the pollinators do, and how we can help the pollinators do their job! It was a great meeting, and was especially fun when making a robotic bee at the end. It was a great meeting and I am sure everyone had fun!

Dublin Hill – Logan Jackson, Reporter
      The Dublin Hill meeting was held on March 11 at the Bridgeville Fire Hall.  Pledges were led and old business was discussed.  We talked about Winter Fun Day and 5 of our members participated in the Pollinator Bee presentation by the Johnson girls from Country Clovers.

New Business was discussed and we talked about the Indoor Archery Contest, Demonstrations, Judging Contests, Younger Member Day, State Camps and State Fair.  I also talked to the group about my service project for this year with Wreaths Across America and presented a donation to the club from a percentage of wreaths that have been sold.  I asked club members to help with the event in December.  We also talked about ideas for our Window Display and Litter Barrel.

After the meeting was adjourned, we did a couple community service activities.  We stuffed Easter Eggs for a local church’s egg hunt and we made thank you banners for the Bridgeville Fire Hall for their service to our community.  Since the meeting was at the Fire Hall, we also wrote thank you messages in chalk outside the fire house doors for the volunteer firemen and women.  We are all looking forward to another in-person meeting on April 8!