4-H Healthy Living Updates, Events and 4th H for Health

National Drug Facts Week is coming up in March and we’re working hard to shatter the myths surrounding drug abuse. To get the facts out there, we are having a drawing/graphic design, video, and poem/spoken word contests. The deadline for submissions is March 15th. A winner’s showcase will be held on March 24th. See the flyer below for more information.

Final National Drug Facts Contest Flyer

Healthy Living Grab-N-Go’s
Here is the site link: https://sites.google.com/udel.edu/healthyhabitsvirtual/home We ask if they use the Grab-N-Go tab to complete the Feedback tab so we can know our reach, and provide follow-up surveys if they choose to deliver at least 5 Grab-N-Go’s.

4th H for Health:  March Edition

Over the Rainbow Fruit Kabobs Recipe:

-1 bunch Bananas

-1 pk Strawberries

-1 pk Raspberries

-1 Pineapple

-3 Clementines or Cantaloupe

-1 bunch Green Grapes

-1 pk Blueberries

– 1 pk Blackberries

– 1 pk Black Grapes

– 1 pk Kabob sticks

**You can substitute above listed fruit for other fruits of your liking if you would prefer


  1. Rinse strawberries, raspberries, grapes, blueberries, and blackberries in sink.
  2. Cut up strawberries, bananas, and pineapple. Make sure to peel Clementines.
  3. Take one piece of each fruit and place on kabob stick


Environmental Health – Bonus
Is your room starting to get unorganized and things are all over the place? Well, this is the perfect time for you to declutter your space! Decluttering your space can help you focus your concentration on schoolwork, your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. This then sets you up for a room or workspace that can be used effectively.

March Challenge

Pick a drawer a day and clean it out by reorganize it and get rid of things that you have not used over the last 6 months or a year.