Club News: February 2021

Lord Baltimore – Ruby DiSabatino, Reporter
Our Christmas party was a little different this year, as it was done entirely through zoom! First, Ms. Kathy shared the two thank you notes for the October and November tray favors that we had made for the Meals on Wheels clients, from the Ocean View CHEER center director. She also thanked those of us who participated in the cards for soldiers drive. Then, as we were getting the rest of the members signed in, we were all given elf names by an “elf name generator”: Jax-Jolly Merryman, Ava-Artsy Marshmallow. Ruby-Ritzy Sugarpants, Cassidy-Cheerful Merryman, Wyatt-Warm Sugar Muffin.  Then Ruby went over some items in December/January newsletter, as well as the registration deadlines for those events. Next, Ruby led the kids in the making of 2 dip mixes -because at every party there are dips, right?! We made a hot chocolate dip and a Jello fruit dip. Then we made our December tray favors for Meals on Wheels-tealight candle snowmen! As we made then, Ms. Kathy asked us some Christmassy “Would you rather questions”. Wyatt (our clover bud) and his mom then led us in our physical activity -a safari yoga exercise! Our yoga poses were all animal themed that you might see on a safari, such as a giraffe, a lion, and even an elephant! Marshall will be our physical activity leader next month. And then the party really began! We played: Don’t eat the Santa!, draw Olaf game, jingle bell race with straws, trying to eat cookies with Santas beard (no hands!), Christmas themed mad libs, and candy cane cranes. It was lots of fun! We were sorry Ms.Carlene couldn’t join us, but Ms. Kathy assured us that she would share the zoom recording with her at their next visit. Our next meeting will be on January 10th, at 2 o’clock over zoom.


Our January meeting began with Wyatt leading the American pledge, and Cassidy leading the 4-H pledge. Then, Ruby read the minutes from the December Meeting. We talked about the second Winter Fun Day, Favorite Foods, and then we did our physical activity, which was led by Marshall. We all did his soccer warm up that he does before each of his practices. We went on to start our crafts, and Ruby instructed everyone on how to make a little snow globe with a toy inside. She explained about the viscosity of water and glycerin. These items will be our club craft for the fair. Ms. Kathy made one to deliver to Miss Carlene as well. Then, we moved on to our community service project, which was making little paper penguins to give out with the Meals on wheels deliveries. Our next meeting will be held on February 7th, 2021.


Lucky Leaf – Meredith Timmons, Reporter
The December meeting of the lucky leaf 4-H was held on December 3, 2020.  Lily and Ashley led the pledges. The meeting was called to order by club president Mckensie Lewis. Elise our secretary took attendance and the question was What is your favorite holiday treat? Murphy explained our treasury report. Mckensie provide the club with 4-H updates. Murphy adjourned the meeting and Elise second the meeting. After the business meeting we made a Christmas tree out of toilet paper rolls, and we made a wreath out of pipe cleaners.

Hollymount – Gianna Joella, Reporter
For our December Hollymount meeting, we began with discussing our usual old and new business. Our upcoming events include the National Summits, the Public Speaking Contest, and Winter Fun Day. In preparation for the Public Speaking Contest, an activity was prepared for us. Each member was given a holiday-related topic to speak about, such as their favorite gift from previous holidays or their favorite holiday food. It was very interesting to hear our members’ holiday tales, and when we were finished, we already had experience speaking in front of a crowd! Overall, this meeting was a great opportunity to learn a bit about public speaking.

We began our first meeting of 2020 with our usual round of singing and dancing, along with a few games! These energetic sessions are the perfect beginning to our meetings. When our business meeting began, we discussed all of our old and new business, including the upcoming Spaghetti Dinner! It’s coming so soon, and I know we are all very excited. We also talked about the Public Speaking Contest. Good luck to those that are entering! Once our business meeting concluded, we began our photography lesson. We took many different photos at creative stations in categories to prepare us for the State Fair. Just from this meeting, we now have photographs to enter in the photography contest! This was a very fun and interesting meeting; it was so fun to learn photography tricks to help us increase our skills.

Dublin Hill – Logan Jackson, Reporter
Our January 14 meeting started at 7:00 pm over Zoom and the Cloverbuds joined us. Emorie and Aydin lead the pledges and Amelia gave the minutes. During our meeting, we discussed upcoming events such as Public Speaking, Winter Fun Day, Favorite Hoods, and the Photography contest. In between this meeting and our December meeting we made Winter Picture Frames and showed them to each other. After the meeting was adjourned, Ella led the group in creating no-bake peanut butter oatmeal cookies.  Everyone already had the ingredients and Ella showed us how to put the ingredients together.  Some people put extra ingredients in their cookies like marshmallows or rolos.  They were very tasty! Our next meeting will be held on February 11.